University Fellows Experience

I applied for Bama UFE, and I am earnestly waiting for a response. Has anyone heard back if they made it to the phone interviews?:slight_smile: Any advice for the phone interview if I make it to the next round? Thanks and roll tide!

I posted the same thread before noticing yours. I’m also waiting for a response!

Oh wow! Just saw your thread. Can’t wait

Same here, DS is anxiously hoping. I believe I hear that the interview invites go out towards the end of January?

In past years the phone interviews themselves have been approx Jan 25. Suppose it’s a bit later this year

Just got the email! Made it to semifinals! Very excited

Daughter just got email with semi finalist notification. She’s thrilled! Good luck to everyone waiting to hear.

Has anyone received a letter in the mail to move on to the finalist phase?

Yes. See this thread:

Yes, people have received envelopes. There is another thread.