University Fellows Experience

Has anyone heard about the semifinalist phone interviews for UFE yet? My D has not had any contact. Just curious when to expect an answer one way or the other :->!

I haven’t heard anything yet either. I’m beginning to worry

@lostandafraid - Let’s hold out that no news is good news (for now at least) :-p

A friend of ours heard Monday. My daughter has not heard anything either and was told by someone else that all semi-finalist were notified Monday. :frowning:

Well bummer! Thanks for the info though!!

The University Fellows website says applicants will be notified of their status late January. I hope they let us know one way or another.

I wonder if there will be more than one round of notifications and interviews

They have selected 160 students for phone interviews, and all the interviews are next week Tues to Friday. Notices were received via email on Monday.

Do they send notices to those who aren’t semifinalists?

Do you know if it came regular email or via the Crimson one? I don’t think my D has ever checked the school one. Congrats to those moving forward!!

Check the Crimson email.

The e-mail was sent to both the personal email account of the student, and the Crimson email.

IT is still a good idea to check BOTH.

I heard from the school that we would hear either way next week.

@mom2collegekids - Thank you, thank you! My D finally finished finals today and I roped her down to check the crimson email - invite was there! :-> It must have gotten spam filtered in her regular email? (We still can’t find it).

She is super pleased! But now stressing out b/c the interview weekend (if she was lucky enough to advance from phone interviews) is on the same date as another scholarship weekend that she has already accepted to go to (Foundation Fellowship). After much mulling, she emailed to let them know this and find out if she should phone interview anyway or should bow out now - she doesn’t want to take an interview slot that from someone that could go to the weekend if it is mandatory.

UFE phone interview tomorrow. I’m more stressed than he is. I suppose that is a good thing.

Good Luck to all the Prospective UFE candidates on their upcoming interviews!

Good luck to all!!! :->!!

good luck!!!

I got a notice in the mail today specifying that I was not chosen…