University of Alabama CBHP Application

<p>I’ve applied and been accepted to the University of Alabama; I actually just received my acceptance this week. Now that I am accepted, when I go into “My Bama” the Honors College Application is available. By filling out this application, can I also apply to the CBHP? Or is there another application that comes after this Honors College application? Also, am I allowed to send in my own resume instead of filling out the Honor’s College application? Can someone please explain the process, now that I’m accepted, on how to best go about applying to the Honors College and more specifically, the CBHP? Thank you!</p>

<p>You’ll get answers soon, everyone is mesmerized…watching Bama Football :)</p>

<p>Haha! Ah, I should have known! :)</p>

<p>There is a checkbox on the Honors College app to indicate that you want to apply for CBHP. When you select it, the CBHP essay prompt and response box and a place for uploading your resume are added to the app. The app is just an activities list and an essay for the Honors College, and then an additional essay and resume upload for CBHP.</p>

<p>Hope this helps!</p>

<p>(Do you like my multitasking? I am responding and watching UA football at the same time! :))</p>

<p>Oh, I have another question too, now that I think about it- actually I have lots of questions! I always do…But for now, I also want to ask about UA’s Mathematics program. My intended major (I’ll be entering college fall of 2013) is Mathematics, and specifically I want to study Pure Mathematics. I’m just wondering what people can tell me about UA’s Mathematics program, and if they feel it provides a strong base, for further graduate study? I’ve heard that UA also has a bachelors/masters program? Can anyone tell me more about this too?</p>

<p>Thank you lisa6191! I’ll go to mybama to check this out…Ha, yes…sounds like fun multitasking!</p>

<p>mom2collegekids will probably reply about the Math Department.</p>

<p>Advice for the CBHP essay: make it count. The CBH Program is highly competitive.</p>

<p>I do understand that the CBH Program is highly competitive; I very much realize that…This June I was visiting UA, and LITERALLY met Dr. Sharpe on the street (I had no idea who he was). The next second he was handing me his card, and asking me to come talk to him in his office! He talked w/ me about the CBH Program, and said the same thing about making the essay “count”…The prompt seems very rigid though, and I tend to be a more creative writer. I feel that telling a story about myself shows more of who I am, than trying to describe who I am. I wonder how closely one should stick to the prompt? I consider myself a decent writer, meaning, I think I can write an essay that “counts” if I have an idea of what is considered to “count”…Any advice on what “counts”?</p>

<p>Another question!
Does UA take letters of recc for Honors College Admission and CBHP? I ask, because I have several teachers, who know me well, who have written wonderful letters of recc for me, and I think they would be to my advantage if I can use them.</p>

<p>Another question! (I said I have many!)
Like I said, I visited UA this June. When I talked to Dr. Sharpe, he was very encouraging of me coming down this fall for a second visit…But it is a far trip for me, and I would only want to visit again, if it were worth the trip. Any thoughts on if a second visit would be worth it? If I were to visit again, I would definitely want to meet w/ Dr. Sharpe again, but I don’t know that just that would be worth the trip…Has anybody gone for a second visit, and if so, was it worth it? What did you do? My first visit was fantastic- I was able to meet and talk with math and physics professors which was a thrill…I just wonder if there are any reasons for going back, that would make a second trip worth it. Thanks!</p>

<p>You must fill out the Honors College app and do the CBH essays, plus anything else that is requested on the app.</p>

<p>I don’t think they use LORs.</p>

<p>My son was an Applied Math major, so he had some over-lap with the Pure Math majors. Their are some super math profs at Bama…Bruce Trace, David Alpern, Dr. Hadji, Jim Gleason, Shan Zhao, are just a few off the top of my head.</p>

<p>Hmm, can I maybe include letters of rec with my resume?</p>

<p>I think the resume is an online download/upload kind of thing on the application page, so ‘no’ to including the LOR with it. I think actually somewhere they specifically say no LOR will be accepted (but I’m working off my memory on that statement)?
I think somewhere you should write/include WHY you want to be CBHP recipient so badly. You’re certainly keen…but WHY?!</p>

<p>What is the CBHP prompt this year? I do think that you should try to stick to the prompt, all the other applicants will. How else will the selection committee compare the responses?</p>

<p>The prompt asks to describe personal attributes etc, that will contribute to your success as a researcher…I understand what you mean about sticking to the prompt though- right, they have to be able to compare…But I like to make my essays unique, and there’s not much freedom in this prompt…I’ll figure it out though!</p>

<p>Make sure your essay is interesting. Do not rehash your resume. A few years ago, my son was one of the student reviewers/readers of the CBHP applications. He felt that many students were telling him the exact same things as they put on their resumes.</p>