University of Alabama Honors College?


I’m a junior in high school right now and I’m visiting the University of Alabama next week. Currently, I have roughly a 4.3 weighted GPA and a 1490 SAT and 33 ACT, although I expect my ACT score to come up. I have some questions about both the academic environment and opportunities as well as the culture of the school, particularly the Honors College.

Academically: I’m planning on studying political science. Is their polisci program good? Is the Honors College kind of like a community or just some people you take classes with? Are there many academic opportunities outside the classroom?

Also, what is the deal with the whole University Fellows Experience? How difficult is it to get into that?

Culturally: Is the culture supppeerrr politically conservative, or are things moderate at all? Are there a lot of religious involvement opportunities and groups? Is the service aspect of the Honors College significant? Is there anything to do offcampus in Tuscaloosa?

I know this is a whole other topic in itself, but: is rushing worth it? Financially? Is it hard to get into a good sorority?

These are just some of my general questions about Alabama. Thank you!

I don’t have answers but your post sounds exactly like my sons would if he were posting. He has the same stats as you and is interested in political science. He is visiting the 2nd week in April. Have you spoken with a recruiter? He did and she set up meetings with an Admissions counselor, honors college, Blount Scholars Program, lunch with a student, campus tour. He is also going to sit in a class for Constitutional Law, Civil Rights & Liberties.

I emailed a recruiter yesterday! I may have made the plans too late to get those kind of meetings set up, and they aree on Spring Break right now so I don’t expect a response until the day before my visit, which will be pretty last minute. Those are cool opportunities though and I hope I might be able to!

I’ll try to answer a few of your questions.

The Honors College is what you make of it. There are some students who get really involved with the Honors College, participate in social events, community events, service events, etc. They get a lot out of the HC and develop relationships with other students in the HC and with the professors who are involved with the HC. Others participate to the bare minimum in order to get the perks of the Honors College (particularly priority registration) for as long as they can. Most are somewhere in the middle. There are academic opportunities outside of the classroom, particularly research opportunities. Some honors students are nominated and compete for prestigious national awards. Again, if you’re involved and present at Nott Hall and the professors know you, you’ll be one they think of when opportunities arise.

I would describe the University Fellows as a group of servant leaders. There are many more applications than there are spots, so it’s quite difficult to be admitted to the program. Stats enable you to apply, but I don’t think they’re particularly relevant in the selection, although I could be wrong. If you have a strong interest in and history of community service, I would go ahead and apply - it could be a great fit for you.

I don’t think the culture is super politically conservative - this is a university, after all, and they tend toward liberal. Alabama may be more conservative than many campuses, but I’d hardly put them far right. My daughter tells me that it’s far more liberal than the conservative midwestern town in which she was raised. Keep in mind that over 50% of the student body is from OOS. There are lots of different religious groups you can join.

My daughter didn’t join a sorority, so I’m not very familiar with them. They are not inexpensive, though, and a “good” sorority is in the eye of the beholder, although I’ve heard they’re all good.

@essemena2000 you ask “are there a lot of religious involvement opportunities and groups?” Check out the link below
htt p: // edu/ campusMinistries.cfm. I’n not sure the rule on links on this site but just push all of that together.
I don’t know if all of these places are right on campus but I know some of them are.

I also sent you a pm with some info about my sons visit that may help.

A couple of answers to your questions…1) University Fellows is a servant leadership program, tightly knit group of students that is highly selective. There are 1000 applicants for 30 positions, and multiple levels of interviews. However, if you achieve becoming a Fellow, you have a strong relationship with the Honors College and the associated faculty.

2) Sororities are expensive, however there are many leadership opportunities in the sororities and in Panhellenic which might appeal to you. A “good” sorority by definition at UA is any of the 16. They are all outstanding communities, and have differing strengths. Some may appeal to you more than others, whether its because of philanthropy, etc. Note that all 16 sororities accept a wide range of girls–they each need leaders, artists, musicians, athletes, etc.

My daughters had similar stats to you, both attend UA and are having an outstanding academic experience.

Culturally: Is the culture supppeerrr politically conservative



Lol…absolutely not! Not at all. It’s a university…the climate is moderate with lefties and righties and everyone in between.

6 -- True! My son pays attention to the political climate and he says it's quite a variety within the university culture.