University of Alabama or Mississippi State for Engineering

Hello everyone!
I am a transfer mechanical engineering student. I was heavily leaning towards UA until I visited both universities a few days ago, and now I am torn. I liked both campuses, but the atmosphere of MSU’s engineering department seemed to be a lot more collaborative, supportive, and just WAY more friendly then that of Alabama. The engineering faculty/students at Alabama seemed way less approachable by comparison. Nearly every engineer, faculty member, and really anyone I stopped to ask for directions (at MSU) was more than willing to assist me. I have also read student reviews online about Alabama’s social life, and it seems to mostly involve bars, greek life, and parties. I would like to try to establish connections while in college, but I don’t drink, and I am not a party person at all. I know these activities would exist at any university, but they seem to be the main attractions for most students at UA. My question is, are my perceptions wrong? Is Alabama not as “clicky” and unapproachable as they seemed during my campus/engineering tour? I am from the state of Alabama, and I would love to finish my education at my state school. But I am fearful that I may end up unhappy there if it’s really like I’ve described above.

UA’s College of Engineering has had amazing growth over the last ten years. For several years, UA in fact had the largest freshman Engineering classes in the entire state. There was a dip in the size of the freshman class last fall for some reason. But UA is also getting the best engineering students. It’s College of Engineering freshman classes now have the highest avg. ACT in the state, despite Auburn’s program having the overall better rep over the years. So UA must be doing something right to have grown its Engineering program so rapidly, with such quality.

Are you at Auburn now and looking to transfer out? I’m curious why you would not consider Auburn for engineering? I will say they have the friendliest most polite students I’ve met anywhere.

I’d pick UA because the state has heavily invested into the facilities and stem in general. But as an engineer you’ll have no problem starting a career with a degree from either one.

@threeofthree I’m actually currently at a community college looking to transfer. Auburn was actually my first choice, but to my great disappointment, they do not offer large merit based scholarships. The scholarships are what give UA and MSU the edge for me. I’m just concerned that I will not enjoy UA.

Also thank you all for replying and offering your opinions. This is my first thread, so I appreciate it.

@mom2collegekids From what I’ve read, you also know a great deal about UA. I would be very happy with any input that you may have.

I think this is a common misconception regarding student life at UA. Although fraternities and parties certainly exist on campus they are far from the only option for a social life. My son isn’t interested in that scene either and found his friends through joining the Quiz Bowl team. He has traveled with them all over the Southeast to participate in competitions, and last month they beat University of Georgia and Georgia Tech teams to qualify for the National Championship in Chicago in April. UA has generously supported them by paying for travel costs and shared hotel rooms so the team can compete.

There are literally hundreds of student organizations at UA where you might find people who have shared interests. Here’s a link so you can take a look.

This sort of thing doesn’t really apply to engineering students in general. They really just don’t have the time.

I’ve spent time at Miss State and it’s just too rural JMHO.

I’m not sure why alabama didn’t seem friendly enough to you. Maybe it was just an odd day when you visited…i can imagine that around midterms or finals, students may appear to be less-friendly as their minds are elsewhere. The friendliness is one of its strong points. When I’ve been in the eng’g quad area, students have assisted me to find what I’m looking for.

Great to hear that you got merit from Bama as a transfer. Roll Tide!

DD is graduating from UA in engineering. She is not Greek (which is 30% of the student body - so 70% is non-Greek).

There is a big circle of eng kids at UA. DD would not have been happy at MS State, although I have met a gal that is an eng major at MS State - her dad is super protective, and I suspect he felt better with her attending MS State than a flagship like UA…both that family and ours is in AL.

At UA, there are students from all over - and large numbers from all over.

Best wishes! And merit as a transfer to UA, congrats!

I would say you pretty much hit the nail on the head lol, i like to go out and drink a little so it worked out…just ended up graduating a little later… you seem smart - I’m a UA Alum and I would recommend MSU for sure. I haven’t been to there campus but if they are any bit more helpful than UA Engineering you should be OK. Very nice buildings at UA - your not looking for this though I’m sure.