University of Alabama

<p>What makes this university unique?? I live in Florida and a friend of mine is going to apply there but I just want to know what makes this college stand out?? Any particular major or department they excel in?</p>

<p>Maymay, I see you’re new here. There’s a good chance the moderators will soon move or lock this thread. It belongs here ([University</a> of Alabama - College Confidential](<a href=“]University”>University of Alabama - College Confidential Forums)), on the Alabama board under “Colleges.”</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Hi Maymay,</p>

<p>Bama is similar to UF and UCF in that they are huge state universities. One that that really stands out to me about Bama is the friendly atmosphere. I haven’t had a child attend (yet…maybe, lol) but it seems to me it would be easy to make this big school seem like a small school in your own way. My oldest went to FSU and she says that this is the case there, as well. While I’m sure that one can find their niche at any big school I believe that this may be easier at some schools more than others. UF and UCF are very fine schools, and I have never heard of anyone speak of their time in Gainesville in a negative way. My oldest D’s BF is a UCF grad and he had a fantastic experience. However, I have heard that it is very easy to become a number in some of the big Florida state U’s. When I visited Bama we toured the building which houses my daughter’s intended major. They seemed like a family, and everyone just seemed very at home. Keep in mind that I have never had a child at Bama so these are merely my impressions. That being said, between Bright Futures and the Florida Prepaid, my daughter might very well wind up a number at a big FL state U if that is what I can afford when the time comes, lol.</p>

<p>Have a great weekend.</p>

<p>^^ I’ll agree with Involvedmom. I’m not familiar with the Florida state schools, but my D applied to four Big Ten flagships and Bama. Bama was, in terms of feel, the “smallest” big school she visited. She has the benefits of being at a large school, with lots of course offerings, big time athletics, etc., but she’s far from being a number there.</p>



<p>Similar? UF and UCF are nearly twice the size of Bama. UCF is the second largest school in the country, and UF is in the top 10. Bama barely makes the top 100. For a state flagship, Bama not a very large school.</p>

<p>What would you like to know?</p>

<p>Here’s a video and pics about the school…
[The</a> University of Alabama College of Arts & Sciences “This is How College is Meant to Be” - YouTube](<a href=“- YouTube”>- YouTube)</p>

<p><a href=“Titanium Chef | Home”>Titanium Chef | Home;

<p>What is your likely major?
What are your stats?</p>

<p>My daughter and I made a trip down to visit USF because they had a 6 year degree she was interested in. I’m sure it’s a great school, but it just didn’t feel right to her. The faculty, staff, and students seemed less engaged than at Alabama – in fact, we had a pretty difficult time setting up appointments. In comparison, the Honors College at Alabama worked very hard to schedule a personalized tour day and then stayed in close contact until she finalized her decision. She’s now a rising junior, and Alabama’s commitment to student success and achievement has continued to impress us.</p>

<p>Ds, who only wanted a LAC, will be attending Bama in the fall.</p>

<p>It stood out to us because:</p>

<li><p>All calls and e-mails to every department from Admissions, to Honors College, to Disability Services to Engineering replied within hours versus much smaller schools who did not reply for a few days.</p></li>
<li><p>Scholarship offers. But we are not from FL. Our state does not have a program similar to Bright Futures.</p></li>
<li><p>Ease of taking courses outside of your specific college or major.</p></li>


<p>Thank you for pointing that out- I really didn’t know the figures. I merely wanted to draw a comparison because Floridians (and I am included in this) believe that we need to have a reason to leave the state. In Florida, if your parents purchased a Florida prepaid and you are a reasonably good student, you have a free ride. In some cases, you get money back! Therefore, I believe that the “small school” feel that I found at Bama (among other things) would be enough for me to overlook the financial advantage of attending a Florida state U.</p>

<p>I don’t know about Alabama, but here in South Florida the natural progression seems to be to graduate from high school and apply to a Florida state U. D and S attend a private school that has a bit of a different approach. In fact, many of the 2013 grads are going all over- including Bama. :)</p>

<p>DS roommates are from Fort Lauderdale and Gainsville. UA is very popular with Floridians.</p>