University of Alabama

Hi. I will be applying to The University of Alabama this fall and once read something about how they look at your GPA though I can’t remember where. My question is, do they use the highest GPA on your transcript when looking at your application or your cumulative? If they use your cumulative, do they look at your weighted or unweighted GPA?

Also, is it the same when applying for scholarships?

Cumulative GPA, freshman through junior year only. And they’ll use whichever GPA is listed on your transcript - weighted or unweighted. If it lists both, they’ll use whichever is higher. And they use the same GPA in calculating scholarship eligibility.

Thanks, @atomicPACMAN07!

@dodgersmom once you apply for admissions you need to apply with the scholarship application for “consideration” even though it’s all automatically awarded by stats. No application = no scholarships

Be sure to take both the ACT and SAT if you are close to better automatic scholarship - in the past, UA has accepted test scores through Dec testing of senior year in HS. Dept of Eng scholarship is also based on test score and required GPA, and ranges from $1500/yr to $2500/yr.

During a recent visit we were told the December test was good, but you have to have Bama listed to receive scores. You can’t take test, receive score, then send.

^ Right, because the Dec test scores won’t be sent quick enough. However, Bama needs to put that fact on the website, otherwise most wouldn’t know that.

Always smart to apply and have test scores sent in early so you are ‘in’ - accepted and in the scholarship consideration. Then the later/better test score, UA sends a letter with the new scholarship level.