University of Arizona Reputation Outside of AZ?

I am an Arizonan, but my dream is to live in LA after college to work in show business. I’m a TV/Film major and I want to get a job as a Production Assistant at a Hollywood studio right out of college.
I know U of A is definitely respected in AZ because it is generally accepted to be the best school in AZ. But I was wondering how respected it is in big cities like LA.
I know attending UCLA or USC would be better, but those schools are not financially feesable for me.
So does a U of A graduate have a good chance of making it big in LA straight out of college?

I’ve always wondered about this myself because I want to work outside of Arizona, preferably in Washington, because I can’t see myself living here in the future to be honest.

I think the “University of” line will give off that you went to a big state university that wasn’t very competitive. However, LA isn’t too far so you’ll probably meet some people who know about UA, maybe even alums. Also, “making it big” is up to you and how hard you’re willing to work.

Something like 25 % of students at UofA are from Cal, so I really would not worry at all. Yes you will find more alums from UCLA, USC and Chapman esp, but UofA is very well known in cal and alot of alums are in entertainment/media. Yes you can certainly with some work and contacts make it back to LA after graduating, seems you can certainly graduate in 4 years easily at UofA, classes are available much more so than the UC’s. I would not have any worries about a UofA degree and getting on in LA/Cal

@stugace. I would not worry many UA/ASU alums make it all over the country, I dont think big state really carries much these days, if you can get through in 4 years it says alot more about you. UofA is a great school for AZ residents.

My friend’s graduated from ASU with a double major in film and European history. He got a job in Hollywood right away as a PA on a history documentary. His background got him the job; it didn’t matter that he didn’t go to UCLA or USC. Use your special skills and learn to network.