University of Arizona tuition going up $545 next year

<p>It will bring the total cost of attending the University of Arizona to $6,076
[BREAKING</a> NEWS: Regents raise University of Arizona tuition by $545 | <a href=“”></a> ®](<a href=“Regents raise University of Arizona tuition by $545”>Regents raise University of Arizona tuition by $545)</p>

<p>Some good news:
UA has fewer deficient new students than ASU, NAU
[UA</a> has fewer deficient new students than ASU, NAU](<a href=“]UA”></p>

<p>I can’t wait to attend this school…if I ever get accepted. I applied in the middle of October and my application online just changed to “Under Review”.</p>

<p>What do you guys think about the tuition increase? Also, If you got a scholarship fro UofA how much did you get and what was your high school GPA?</p>

<p>Arizona resident here.</p>


<p>Regents</a> reject Shelton's plan; tuition to rise $206 - News</p>

<p>Tuition is rising $206.</p>

<p>Oh... I guess you guys must be out of state or something. In which case, that really sucks ):</p>

<p>Nope, its going up 10%. Google it on google news if you don't believe me. They changed it the day after they said it would be $206.</p>

<p>For OOS, tuition is going up 14% for the second year in a row after increases of 9% the previous two years:</p>

<p>2005-06 $13,682
2006-07 $14,972 (9.4%)
2007-08 $16,282 (8.7%)
2008-09 $18,676 (14.7%)
2009-10 $21,285 (14.0%)</p>

<p>They voted to only raise it a little, but a day or two later they changed their minds. Check yesterday's Arizona Republic (you can probably find it online too). It is indeed in the $6000 range.</p>

<p>I got $8500 a year scholarship. IB student, GPA under 3.5, but 2370 SAT</p>

<p>Did you scholarship info come with the acceptance package? I just got the acceptance letter and there's nothing about a scholarship :(. I guess I didn't get any.</p>

<p>The scholarship information comes later, I got mine almost 4 weeks after being accepted.</p>