University of Arizona vs. UCSB

<p>Admitted to UCSB off waitlist, posted similar thread like this except had been admitted to UC Davis. I had never intended going to Davis, because their Managerial Econ isn’t too strong apparently, but I have always been 5x more interested into UCSB/they also have a stronger program.</p>

<p>My goals are to work within the hospitality business, specifically with hotels. I am almost sure I want to go for an MBA, but not sure how soon that would happen.</p>

<p>Just know, I am out of state for both schools, have Friday to pay SIR (could visit after), am not looking forward to taking Calculus at UCSB, did the AP stats route instead of Pre-calc and AP Calc in high school.</p>

<p>UofA Pros
Business Undergrad School, could get a job with a business management degree at a hotel right away most likely.
Bigger on sports.
More known outside of California ( I live in Washington, with intent of living in California or Washington after).
More college experience?</p>

<p>UCSB Pros
Higher Rankings.
Better for getting into MBA programs? With most of the adults I have talked too about this, they have said a degree from UCSB is alot better looking on job resumes/MBA resumes.
Quarter System. I am in dual-enrollment, and I enjoy this system a lot.</p>

<p>I am not too aware of the UCSB economics program and how far it could take me into getting a job within actual businesses. </p>

<p>If any information to help please post! Thank you.</p>

<p>My son got into U of A and only dreamed of UCSB…was not even on the radar. In CA and I assume elsewhere, UCSB, although known as a “party school” like U of A, is held in much higher regard. As an employer, all else being equal, I would choose an applicant from a UC school over U of A…JMHO…good luck with your decision.</p>

<p>You are foolish to pay OOS tuition at a UC, IMO. If you really want hospitality, consider transferring to Nevada-Las Vegas. (think about internship opportunities.)</p>

<p>An Econ degree is a liberal arts degree, and will serve you better long-term than an undergrad biz degree.</p>

<p>For an MBA, your work experience counts much more than undergrad college. (Sure, SB is higher ranked but grad schools don’t parse things that finely.)</p>

<p>U of A is hot as hell! you’ll h@te it & UCSD is on the beach! </p>

<p>check out this link for UCSB:</p>

<p>[The</a> University of California Thread - Page 7 - SkyscraperCity](<a href=“The University of California Thread | Page 7 | SkyscraperCity Forum”>The University of California Thread | Page 7 | SkyscraperCity Forum)</p>

<p>UCLA is at the bottom & that is the link I sent my family…</p>


<p>I am soo happy you found that link.</p>

<p>seriously!!! :slight_smile: </p>

<p>thank you!</p>

<p>Go to U of A. Their business program is top notch there compared to UCSB. UCSB is better for marine science.</p>