<p>If theres anyone here that goes to ubc and could answer some questions for me and give me their excperience please send me a pm or post here. Thanks!</p>
<p>I can only tell you that my friends' daughter is in her 4th year there and absolutely loves it. She's originally from Minneapolis and takes advantage of the great skiing up there.</p>
<p>I’m from UBC =D</p>
<p>what is UBC like gprime? u from canada or the states?</p>
<p>I would love to hear about it to, please tell me what its like gprime or anyone else!</p>
<p>I am considering it. I am a California resident, but I have Canadian citizenship. It’s cheap! Canada is cool. Vancouver is cold but beautiful and I have family there. I would love to talk with a UBC student.</p>