University of Chicago Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

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yes it is this friday

im so nervous

It was exclaimed in such a large font that I somehow missed it! So funny!

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Good luck everyone!!


Is there any portal astrology or early indications of our decision? I know for NYU people are seeing based on the housing options they’re given in the housing portal.


Ha. Blind squirrel finds a nut every once in a while, and out of many attempts I was finally right!

D is not nervous. She fully expects a rejection, but is happy to be opening a decision after a long wait between them!!


Did anyone who was admitted ED1 or ED2 receive a merit scholarship?

My daughter was admitted ED1 but did not receive a merit scholarship. When we were at a tour there over the summer I thought the admissions counselor said 1/4 of last year’s class was from each admissions cycle, but that doesn’t seem to jive with what people are saying here. Did anyone else go to an in person tour and hear something similar? Also, best of luck to everyone waiting for admissions news!

@SdCax3 - when we toured (November), we were told the same: roughly 1/4 from each of the cycles (EA, ED1, ED2, RD).

I’d be interested in knowing this too. My understanding is that merit awards are less likely for ED applicants because you have essentially already committed and so schools don’t have much incentive to offer you money to entice you to attend.

1/4 from each stage is simply not mathematically possible…their yield rate is extremely high, and heavily dependent on ED acceptances that yield near 100%.


The other factor I’ve heard is that UC tends to see a stronger applicant pool flow in during RD because kids aiming higher used their ED slot for the IL, and pour in for RD when rejected…so deferring a lot of solid kids from EA both gives the applicants a chance to ED2 to demonstrate commitment while also subtly giving UC AOs a fallback group of solid applicants in the mix should the RD apps not get stronger in the way they usually do…but the deferred EAs will be facing even stronger competition in RD than they saw in ED1/EA…so it sorta stands to reason that relatively few end up converting into acceptances.

It’s still not clear to me why, though, they would defer as many as they are runored to defer…when they don’t really need to…there’s gotta be a reason they would commit to review all those apps yet again in RD if they didn’t realistically think there was a fighting chance.

My D added a video and a LOCI to her app, but also is quite realistic about the odds of being an EA conversion.

They’ll obviously never share, but I’d be very interested in seeing a) the yield rate for ED1 deferrals that are accepted and b) the EA deferrals that are accepted compared to RD acceptances. I’m sure it’s not apples to apples, as most schools tend to have slightly higher average RD stat kids than any of their other rounds (Vanderbilt stressed this in their admissions session and the AO giving it said it was “highly common” amongst their peer schools), but it would interest me to see the difference. I have zero doubt that Chicago uses that information.

Whatever they’ve done, it’s been a secret sauce as they have rocketed up most elite level rankings.

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@GirlDad71 - You may be right, but that’s what they said on campus (straight from AO). To be clear, they were talking about class composition (ie, actual enrollees), not acceptances. They presumably have different acceptance rates and yields for each of the 4 admissions options. It’s also possible that last year’s class (which is the one they mentioned specifically) was unusual due to all of the 2020 anomalies.

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When we toured last fall, the admissions officer also said that all cycles tend to have similar numbers of admits.

Thats my understanding too. Am wondering whether my daughter should update the college regarding some significant awards she has received after being admitted ED - and whether this could trigger a merit consideration at this stage…

I wonder what percent come off the waitlist- which I assume are attributed to RD, and help keep yield numbers up.

Eta: and I wonder if they count someone who applied EA but was deferred then accepted as EA or RD.

Has anyone received emails from the University outside of application confirmation?

Not a peep. Funny, before he applied we recieved all kinds of mail,from quirky postcards to adverts about fictional characters connected to UC. Now it’s radio silence.