University of Chicago Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

D’s withdraw button is still gone. Applied EA and deferred to RD.


I don’t really think it means anything. Portal changes are bound to happen while decisions are being loaded in the background. But I don’t think we can deduce anything positive or negative.

Only a few more hours and then we’ll know for sure. Good luck everyone!

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Same here.

My withdraw button is gone, I applied RD

how did you find the hidden gifs though

you go to your portal, then go to the developer tools. there you’ll go to “source” and then look through the files there, under the “admit” file are the hidden gifs and pngs

found the sources tab. no sign of the “admit” file, I’m afraid.

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you had to expand all the folders there and it will come up eventually

hoping for the acceptance hahaha

admit. css, found it with all the whacky pngs haha. No idea how you spotted it but thanks. How do you fancy your chances?

i think i have a good shot! i’m first gen urm, plus i’m in ib and have good grades. i’ve also done a lot of internships and volunteer service and everything, but lets see :slight_smile:

Can someone who has the waitlist form DM me the link you get when you click on “withdraw” please?

For the people Withdrawal button is gone, what is there - in place of admit.css !!!

Can you upload a screenshot?

dude, I don’t think the disappearance of the Withdrawal button OR the appearance of the admit.css mean anything. In any case, we’ll find out in a few hours so don’t worry

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here you go

i had that last night even before my withdraw button disappeared tho

the file is probably a part of everyone’s application portal, I’m not reading too much into it

So do you still have this after the withdrawal button is gone ??