University of Florida Class of 2027 Official Thread

Lots of ppl apply for summer actually.


You can apply for summer (we did for all our kids, easier to get into). The one that got Honors was a summer application.

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Thank you! That was my next question. So it sounds like summer or fall start is irrelevant to honors - it can be either. When my son first applied we were hoping he might get into the honors program. But after this insane year, now we’re just praying he gets in!


3.95 Unweighted; 4.4 Weighted; 1550 SAT (one try); 11 AP classes; 2 Dual-Enrollment classes; tons of EC and other good stuff. Denied at GT, deferred at UVA, waitlisted at VT
time for Community College I guess

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All of this is so confusing. For our school’s Naviance, the counselor comments say:
Students can apply for summer or fall. Summer is NOT an easier way in. It is just for those who want to start in the summer. They reweight GPA and give extra points for honors, AP and CHS classes.Application (no transcripts, no letters of rec) - summer or fall enrollment (one doesn’t give students a better chance of admit)

Those are great stats. Don’t give up hope yet
wishing Common App would limit students to less than 8 colleges to prevent hardworking, students from getting waitlisted and straight up rejections only for those other select students who get into over 10 colleges. Will hope for some good news tomorrow for you!!


When my S21 toured, it was explained that summer was not easier. They accept who they want to accept, and then they place them in summer or fall. Many students request the summer because Florida has a requirement to earn 9 credit hours in a summer term. If more students who are accepted ask for fall than they can accommodate, some get placed in summer. My son was placed in the summer, but he decided on a different university. Another student in his school was placed in the summer but ended up at a T20 school, so I don’t think it’s a ranked system.

I think that is a great idea! However, then there would have to be a way to eliminate students from applying to the schools separately in the school portal as a great number of schools allow you to do either.

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Similar grades and classes but full IB candidate and lower test scores- in to VT. A lot to do with how many people applied from your high school and for VT, essays. Essays are key.


Yep! Right there with you! 3.96 unweighted/4.8 weighted, IB diploma candidate, 1480 SAT, 2 sport varsity athlete, leadership position in his school’s service club, every honors society imaginable, glowing references, great essays, etc, etc., etc. rejected at Duke, deferred at UVA, USC, and Tulane. Into FSU Honors. Waiting to hear from everywhere else. It’s just a perfect storm this year. If they’d applied with these credentials 2 years ago, or 5 years ago, they’d have tons of options. So disheartening for these kids. The worst part is how excited and optimistic he was at the beginning of the process.


I have to admit we were part of the problem, applying to too many safeties. But I fully agree with this. the high number of applications is hurting too many kids who aren’t even aiming so high.


This year I’m not sure there are too many safety schools!


It’s been like this ever since schools starting waiving SAT scores. The applicant pool just gets bigger and bigger and the competition is unbelievable. I don’t think there is any such thing as a safety school anymore!


Anyone able to login and sign up for admitted student day events?

Is there an announcement time yet?


Friday 6 pm EST


I don’t think admitted students events have been announced yet. What were you logging in to?

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Probably shouldn’t encourage this as none of us know if we are admitted yet or not!

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are you able to sign up for admitted student day events?