University of Illinois Urbana Champaign Class of 2027 Official Thread

It definitely won’t impact need-based aid and merit is both scarce and small at Illinois, so my opinion is, accept away!

Congrats to your son!

Thanks for encouraging!

I believe housing is a lottery system as long as the contract is in by May 15. So we have time for that. But I am not sure if the timing of enrollment matters. Also, we saw a bunch of placement tests to be completed.

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Accepting on the portal now or closer to the deadline does not impact housing. Students are given dates (via lottery system) for choosing dorms. Students may also apply LLC dorms and I recall there is a separate a separate deadline.

One of my kids did apply for the honors dorm, and got a great dorm and excellent time slot. Our youngest did not want to write another essay application, so he gambled and had one of the last dates for choosing dorms. Options were limited.

Some students want to avoid university housing so they pay deposits for private housing early, before even knowing if they will be accepted or attend.

If it doesn’t impact housing and it gives you peace of mind to wait, then wait.

I can’t imagine it impacts $$. But it’s your psyche that matters in this case.

The student will be there for fall regardless of when you accept.


It is interesting about that honors dorm info. I thought that you must get admitted to honors program before applying to honors LLC. My son would like to live in Wardall, as it is supposed to be the closest to classes and also the quietest one, so maybe another essay will have to be written if they let him.

Yes, Wardall(ISR) is closest to Engineering Quad. But definitely not the quietest, IMO. It’s pretty big. And the rooms are probably the smallest on campus. But lots of Engineering students do stay there. For quiet, maybe Busey-Evans, which is very close to the main quad, or Lundgren, which is farther away but with a bus stop right out the door.

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Honors LLC is one of eleven different LLC options. There are many options for students who are not in honors: Living-Learning Communities | University Housing | UIUC

When D was in the Honors Dorm, it was at Nugent which was super nice with decent size rooms. Wardell now houses honors LLC as @Momofthree24 mentioned. I heard it was updated (mainly cafeteria and common rooms) and it is close to engineering campus. However, many freshmen courses, even for engineering majors, are not on the engineering campus.

S has lots of credits through APs and dual credit earned, which might cover the Gen Ed and many elective classes, we hope. So, he might be getting classes mostly to fulfill his Eng requirements. So proximity to classes might be a benefit.

Hi all: My son was accepted to the LAS for math. He did not receive a notification that he qualified for a math honors program, which I was a bit surprised about because he is quite advanced in math (finished Calculus in 7th grade and has taken lots of college and graduate level math since then.) Have others been accepted to a math honors program?

I think there is a chance LAS honors invites have not come out yet. Mine was accepted for Geology and would be surprised if not invited to honors. So same question: has anyone received LAS honors news?

Called UIUC Admissions earlier today to see why I got waitlisted(not in the why didnt you accept me sense but moreso what was I lacking/where can I improve), 730 SAT Math was too low for CS+Econ & my essay was weak, any room to appeal by rewriting that essay or similar? Or should I just forget about it and hope something pops up in june?

To be honest, appealing is probably a waste of your time. Appeals are rare and usually only successful if there was something missing or radically different from your initial application. So unless you received a Nobel Prize in the meantime, probably best to move on.

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What did they say when you called?

“So we decided to waitlist you since you were one of our stronger applicants, but the two main things i see listed here for why you weren’t accepted was that your SAT subscore for math was below our average, and your essay wasn’t as compelling as the other ones we admitted. Overall though your Rigor was great as was your activities and involvement and stats overall, it really came down to minute details and space”

to the best of my memory^

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I’m sorry you were waitlisted. I hope you get in! On a related note, I’m pleasantly surprised and commend UIUC for providing applicants feedback. It is helpful for students to have this constructive feedback. Very transparent.


Did anyone get any merit scholarships from UIUC?

I honestly expected an outright reject so a waitlist was actually a happy moment for me haha. I’m really glad they provided feedback since I’m a junior graduating early, so I really have no frame of reference for where I stand overall and wanted to figure out my decisions in some way.

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Yes. My son was fortunate to receive a President’s Award Program Scholarship … $5,000 per year for a total of $20,000.

He is in-state and was accepted into CS in Grainger. 4.0 UGPA, 5.17 WGPA. 34 ACT. Very good EC’s. Illinois State Scholar. National Hispanic Scholar.


Is there anyone here who has appealed ?