University of Illinois Urbana Champaign Class of 2027 Official Thread

Just got an email from admissions saying decisions will be out at 4 PM tomorrow


My daughter just got the same email. Fingers crossed, and good luck to all!


Got the same email.


The time zone is not written in email, I am assuming its 4 pm CST


4 PM CST most likely as Illinois is in CST zone

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I agree for such a big school, I would have expected alot more excitement and chatter

Ok so is it just me who sees a screen “You are not eligible to submit this form” when clicking on the withdraw url in my browsing history? Is anyone else still able to access the withdrawal form?

Withdrawl form is gone for everyone on their portal; You can’t access it unless you have the url in your history.

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You are very brave to be clicking on the withdrawal URL😂

It would be too premature if a single click on that button could have your application thrown to bin.

Seems like no form submit is allowed from today morning.

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they said 4:00pm EST today, correct?


I haven’t scrolled all the way up, is anyone waiting on other schools today? Like UMichigan, UWisconsin?

4:00 Central, not Eastern

Oh, ok daughter must have misread it

Jan 27th is becoming the state flagship university’s day. I am expecting additional results from Georgia tech, UT Austin and UMD


UT Austin I thought they said it would be Feb. 1

Not waiting on anybody else but Georgia Tech out of state comes out today as well. Big day for future engineers!

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daughter is waiting on UW Madison, U of Michigan and U of Illinois besides UT Austin and U of Florida.

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