<p>My friend is stuck deciding between University of Illinois or Kettering for engineering.</p>
<p>Kettering has a co-op program which integrates 3 months of school with 3 months of work, creating a program that he claims gives "invaluable work experience."</p>
<p>I dont know much about engineering or its rankings, but I'm pretty sure University of Illinois is a more reputable institution for engineering, so I recommended he attend Univeristy of Illinois.</p>
<p>Any engineers out there who can comment on either program and which one is better?</p>
<p>Kettering has an extremely good reputation in the engineering world! Of course, I am an alum & have also worked at the school ...</p>
<p>You will find Kettering grads (many, like me, are "General Motors Institute" grads) are extremely well-though-of. Top grad schools particularly like the fact that young grads have work experience. Many of my friends attended elite grad schools, including Harvard, Penn, Dartmouth, U of M, Stanford, etc. --- all were top students while in those programs. Employers also recognize the value of the degree.</p>
<p>If I were choosing between the two, I would focus more on what I wanted from college than on the perceived "name." Kettering is very small; U of I is very large. Kettering offers a full co-op program; U of I probably offers co-op & intern opportunities. My personal reasons for loving Kettering: profs very involved in hands-on work in industry, great engineering labs, small classes, hands-on coursework, highly-motivated student body, terrific opportunities for personal growth while in school (intermural sports, clubs, social groups, student government, recreation, etc.), student-oriented staff. Students really learn to "be" an engineer. I would not trade my experience there for another school! However ... what was good for me may not be good for your friend. He needs to visit Kettering if he has not done so --- some people love it, others would not. The only way to know is to check it out firsthand.</p>