University of Maryland College Park (UMD) Early Action for Fall 2023

Hi DadOfJerseyGirl,

My son applied in Comp Science major but accepted in Letter and Science.
1520 SAT.
3.85 Non Weighted / 5.45 Weighted
NHS/Township volunteering/Other good ECs related to computer.
Highest rigour from a well reputed NJ school.
11 APs with all 4s and 5s. (Did not sent AP score)

I have few question.

  1. How difficult to get the gateway requirement for CS?
  2. If we clear the gateway requirement, its guaranteed to have admission in CS major or again there is some sort of selection from all L&S candidate trying for CS major.
  3. The most important is, do kids needs to take Calc I again as its required as part of gateway requirment OR that requirement is considered achieved by having AP Calc with score of 5? This is crucial as if kids needs to take Calc I again than they need to take Calc 2 and 3 too. My son already have dual credit for Calc 3.

Please guide.


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  1. → not hard. Details are here:
    Limited Enrollment Program : University of Maryland

  2. → guaranteed if you complete the gateway requirements

  3. → he should be able to get course credit for AP Calc since he got at least a 4. You can write to to confirm.

Hope that helps.


This is a list of all UMD Courses that can be covered by AP Credit



AP Calc AB 4/5 accepted for calc 1 credit.

What is calculus bc equivalent to? Is it calculus 2?

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This is AP credit policy for math


As Calc-I is part of Gateway requirement for CS for Letters and Science student,
My main doubt is regarding CALC-I AP credit will be considered or not. If they consider than it means that Calc -I Gateway requirement is already achieved , right?

If a Calc AB AP score of 4 or 5 is sent to UMD, he will get credit for UMD’s MATH140 class. He will nave satisfied that Gateway requirement

When my D was accepted he sent all of her AP scores to UMD and got credit for several UMD courses.

Another benefit of using AP scores for course credit is that future class registrations are based on the number of credits a student has. The more credits, the earlier they can register for the next semester classes.


Thank. Your daughter was first admitted to Latters and Science? When you sent AP scores?
We self reported the AP score but have not sent official AP score with application. Do you suggest to send the AP score right now?

Only send if you are enrolling


My D applied “Undecided”, so that automatically put her in L&S. She was also admitted to the Honors College. My D committed to UMD in March 2014, shortly after we attended an Admitted Students Day and that is when we sent the scores.

UMD does not use AP scores in their Admission evaluation. If you think that your son will enroll, I would recommend sending Official AP scores, at least before May 1, or shortly after he commits, if he does


If you decide to enroll then send in official scores to get official credit.

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It seems my son’s decision is not yet updated… is it where things show up in the following area at this site?


Yes. My D23 portal now looks like this after admission:


Thank you. Really appreciate it.

maybe check to see if the application was completed by Nov 1st? i think they immediately move those completed after to the RD pool

I also have not received a decision. I emailed admissions yesterday and am hoping to hear back from them tomorrow when they are back in office!

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Probably deferred… DS got from GaTech and UMich along with Purdue.

Do the other submissions show received or waived as well? If you indicated submission of sat scores, for instance, but those weren’t received by Nov 1, the applicant will be moved to RD.

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