University of Maryland College Park (UMD) Early Action for Fall 2023

Just so it’s clear: you have to take a particular set of CS classes as prescribed by the department. These are the same classes as most direct admit CS students also take.

I do know many direct admit students get an exemption and take higher level classes instead of these foundational classes. I don’t know if L&S admits can do that. If not, that would be another difference between direct admission and transferring in.

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I was wondering if UMD still offers scholarship to NMF? If yes is it stackable with President’s?

The 3 Gateway courses are CMSC131, CMSC132, and MATH140. CMSC131 is a prerequisite for CMSC132. Both cannot be taken at the same time, so this will delay completion of the Gateway courses until the end of a student’s second semester.

If a student has AP credit for CMSC131, they will still have to wait till the end of their first semester to transfer.

Also, there actually are direst admit CS students, who leave CS, for various reasons.


I had a question with the Carillon Communities Interest form. After selecting the ones you are interested in, there is a box in which you have to explain why you are interested in these areas. Does anyone know if this is a straight question-answer type deal, or does it require an essay? Thanks

S23 was selected for Honors College. When he completed the form for his choice of LLP, he just limited his top choices to a few sentences each. Guess we’ll know in a few weeks if it was sufficient??

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A short (but meaningful) response of a few sentences should suffice.

Thank you both for your replies

Congrats to everyone who got scholarships. We got the email, but I’m curious if you can see the financial aid info on the portal. I don’t know how to access the financial aid info. Thanks for any help!

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So, my son got a nice President Scholarship upon admittance but no mention of admittance to the Honors College. Is it safe to assume he’s not in the Honors College?

Honors invitations are in the acceptance letter.

What kind of information is the school looking for in the short answer section of the honors ranking firm?

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Explain briefly why each option appeals to you. You don’t need to select all 8 options.
I think most get into University Honors.
Some like ACES are harder to get into, and therefore need a more thoughtful response.

Thanks for the response. My son has very good grades and a perfect score on the ACT so I would have assumed he’d get into the honors college but I guess not. This college process is not an easy one. :grinning:

I think for UMD honors college they look for something more than just high stats. High stats yes but Ec and leadership etc are also very important. Not all Kids in my DD advanced classes got honors college offers from UMD and only a few.


Yes, honors admissions are very holistic (and therefore unpredictable, unfortunately). High stats make merit scholarship likely though.


Thanks. He has all the extras, too. Eagle Scout, tutoring, clubs, tons of AP classes, President of orchestra, internship, etc. I guess I should be more happy for the nice scholarship than not getting accepted into the honors college.

Honors College is nice, but it’s based on what a student did in high school. It is not particularly meaningful to employers or Grad School AOs, in my opinion.

A more impressive accomplishment is completion of Departmental Honors which students can start at the beginning of Junior year.


/the half tuition part is not accurate. it’s $8000 for in-state and $12K for out of state. And there are book allowances etc.

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@SoofDad / @DadOfJerseyGirl - My son is admitted to Letters and Sciences and looking forward to transferring into CS. He scored 5 in AP Comp Science A and will score 4 or 5 in Calc BC when he takes the AP exam this May. Can he get an exemption from CMSC131 and MATH140 and take CMSC131 in the first semester and transfer into CS after the 1st semester (provided he scores 2.7+ GPA)? OR do these exemptions only apply to direct CS admits, but not L&S? Thank you for all your input.


This thread answers that - Current CS Senior at UMD - ask me anything

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