University of Maryland College Park (UMD) Early Action for Fall 2023

Fyi, one can see the cafes for Shady Grove are closed. Most of the academic buildings appear to be closed on weekends, aswell.

This video of the admissions process at Amherst is really something!

One applicant wrote about finding out the night before an AP test that their father had an affair with a 23-year-old prostitute. Then, the video shows the committee all raising their hands to accept the student.

Another prospective student had a 6.4 out of 4.0 GPA.

Yet another had parents and three siblings at Harvard. They raised their hands to accept that person.

Iā€™m not sure what to make of this.


The process is flawed. One reviewer basically admitted it. Itā€™s not fair but in the long run I know my son will go to college and be successful
despite the admission process flaws.


We have lived near to Shady Grove since it was built, and you are correct. It was started as a place where working professionals or students who needed to live at home and work could take college. There also are students who take two years at Montgomery College (local community college) and complete their four-year degrees at Shady Grove. Some HS students also take classes there as part of a dual enrollment program.

As far as I know the courses and degrees offered by UMD at Shady Grove are comparable to those at CP, but I consider it a commuter college and would not have my child plan to attend classes there if CP was an option.

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I have no doubt that the courses given at Shady Grove are just as good as the ones at College Park. I just donā€™t understand the logistics of how a student is supposed to spend their first 2 years at UMDCP and then start attending Shady Grove for their last 2 years.

I donā€™t think that many families expect this type of transition. I hope that UMD has considered all the issues associated with this plan.


Financial Aid Offers are coming out.

DS got offered nothing but the Stafford loans. The curse of the middle class. We earn too much to get the free tuition and other subsidized aids and grants but not enough so that paying the cost of college isnā€™t a pinch. sigh

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Hi! Do you know how to log into the financial aid portal? Is it the same username and passcode as the application portal?

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Here is the portal: Student Portal | OSFA Testudo v5.14.04

They sent him an email letting him know the financial aid offer was ready.

You use the same email and passcode from the applicant portal.

I think you may need get the University ID and someone posted instructions above but here it is again

Out of all the acceptances for my 3 kids I have never seen a college give zero money! Cross this one off the list!

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same here. financial aid was really disappointing. got the maximum pell grant but no other aid. umd definitely off the list. i just donā€™t understand how someone could get maximum pell and NOTHING else


@greta2000 @rana23 Did you happen to run the NPC for UMD? If yes, did it indicate that you would likely be eligible for more federal aid than just the federal loans?

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I havenā€™t heard of that either. Maybe itā€™s a way of moving those students closer to the biotech corridor near Shady Grove? It sounds like a good question to ask at a major-specific admitted students event.

There is a path for transfers from Montgomery College

But I see it is a new option wxplained here for all

Certainly if one is or seeking to be employed nearby in biotech, that is a great location.

Shady Grove is obviously a great place for internships and post graduation employment.

But, where will the student live and how will he get to class during those 2 years. I have not seen that addressed on any related UMD website. There are questions that definitely need answers.

I hope that the parent will get some answers and post them here for future reference @dimeking

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So we got into fa portal. Only thing listed is the federal loan. Nothing else. Im assuming any merit would have shown up
there. I iust want to make sure we arent missing anything before we cross this one off our list. Is there a tab Im missing?


We did not get need-based FA so I canā€™t speak to that, but my sonā€™s merit aid is listed in the FA portal.

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Merit announcements went out last Friday. If you were not notified then, unfortunately thereā€™s no merit award.


what time last friday were the merit awards released?

From last weekā€™s posts, the emails must have gone out shortly before 5pm.


Weā€™ll connect with College of Engg & BioInformatics department and find a way forward wrt ShadyGrove.

S23 also has admits from UIUC, CWRU (+merit) so far. Might wait until UC results come out before causing a stir. Will update on this in early Apr.