University of Maryland College Park (UMD) Early Action for Fall 2023

Our child received the music scholarship notification yesterday.


Thanks ! Same! So so grateful! It helps so much bring down the cost and bc we’re instate, it’s one of the BEST options so far, in terms of COA. Congratulations!!! :tada: :tada:

Edited to Add:We also absoutely LOVE the Flute Professor and her studio and UMD’s support for double major and the campus which is growing and has so many options and the community (hubby and I are alums) more reasons to love it!


Does anyone have experience with jazz band or accapella as a club activity? Other musical pursuits? My student is torn between UMD and Pitt for CS. Likes both campuses and offerings. Trying to find other aspects of college life to help in the decision.

My friend/neighbor’s daughter is in a cappella at UMD (DaCadance). They just won the Mid-Atlantic ICCAs. DaCadence is now headed to the ICCA International Finals in NYC where they will compete against the final 10 groups, including a group from England and Canada. Reminds me of Pitch Perfect :joy: I can pass on any specific questions if you have them


How essential is it to be part of a Living and Learning Program at UMD. My confident extroverted son was admitted to the Honors Program but his more introverted twin brother did not receive an LLP offer (despite having a nearly identical gpa and classes–but lower SAT scores). I feel like the second son has a greater need for that small, community connection. I think he could still apply to FIRE or Virtus. Any insight on either of these? Are these programs good ways to form friendships?

My D22 is in FIRE, and it is good for small groups and learning about research, & getting to know a professor.
But she is not in engineering. For Clark, VIRTUS may be a better fit for your S23.
FIRE may be a fit depending on how interested or how much research he’s already done.
Check out event for admitted students, and priority deadline to apply to VIRTUS and live in Easton by Monday April 3.

If a student applies FIRE, remember FIRE does not have a LLP dorm. One cannot be in a LLP dorm and be in FIRE.

The freshmen dorms on north campus have lots of activities, (near the sports, and performing arts venues, ) and many FIRE students live there and find friends there.

Also UNIV100 class is good for small groups and learning to navigate UMD.


Also, Scholars LLP is accepting self nominations. My D20 was in Scholars and made friends there.
Scroll down to see

Our invitation process is not perfect! If you were not invited to Scholars but would like to be reconsidered, you may nominate yourself.

Self-nominations will open on March 15.

Nominate yourself”

Edited to add: BioFIRE has dorm rooms in Easton.

“ BioFIRE is part of FIRE, the First-Year Innovation and Research Experience. Students in BioFIRE enroll in the same 3-part research course sequence as other students in the FIRE program. Additionally, they are part of a living and learning community based in Easton Hall. While it is true that all BioFIRE students are automatically part of FIRE, the reverse is not true. Because of the limited capacity of the BioFIRE program, not all students in FIRE who are interested in the biological and chemical sciences can be accommodated in the living and learning community.

A student can only participate in one living and learning program. If you are invited to multiple living and learning programs, you will need to choose between them.“

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Thanks. I don’t think my son received any info about the Scholars self-nomination. I find Scholars to be the most appealing of the LLPs, more so than Honors really. Hopefully there is still time for him to be considered.

Due to not receiving any merit scholarships UMD is pretty much out of consideration for my daughter.
Just wondering if any one has heard getting any merit scholarships in second year onwards in Clark’s school of engineering for computer engineering.
It’s heartbreaking for us.

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Are you out of state?

Yes we are.

Be sure to inquire directly with Clark.
There are fewer programs for out -of -state students.

Thanks but we are torn whether even to consider UMD or not without any guarantees of any scholarships.
Hard to decide.

Are Scholars/LLP programs only for fall admitted students? Can the spring admitted students self nominate?

No, spring admit/freshman connection cannot self nominate according to the following link. It is stated towards the bottom.

At the admitted student event today, they said that Clark School scholarship announcements would go out in about one week.


Oh thank you so much for sharing that. Maybe I should wait and get more information from the school before committing to school.
Since our financial status has changed significantly but not enough to qualify in FAFSA.
My income is one third of what I used to earn so how can I get someone to take a look at it?
We also have a child with special needs so we need to think about him

Can someone please guide us? We are OOS with no scholarships awarded so far.

Seeking information about if UMD should be considered for our daughter. She has gotten admitted to ClarK’s school of engineering in Computer engineering. No honors no merit so for us OOS it is 60K.
She has 15 AP classes with multivariate calculus as independence study.
She has 5 in most of her AP classes .
So is there anyway we can calculate the cost of her undergraduate education? Before committing to school.
Is there any merit scholarships at all we can hope to get in next year onwards?
Also want to know if they have options to do combined undergraduate and graduate degree?
Appreciate your time and efforts to help!

Here is a link for a combined BS/MS in the Clark School of Engineering

If you google “UMD AP Credit” you’ll get a PDF file that shows what credit is available for various AP and you can use that, along with the 4 year plan, to see what courses you have covered.

I think there may be some engineering scholarships available in future years, but I don’t know any details. You should probably contact the Clark School directly for info.

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If anyone visited the campus recently, please share your experience here for the benefit of current and future applicants:

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