University of Maryland College Park (UMD) Early Action for Fall 2023

Glad it says complete. Would definitely call the Admissions office next week to confirm on their end also.

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The UMD folks have not return our calls or emails about whether application is complete. We will try again next week to contact them.

The system says all is complete but the email says it is not complete.

If you apply via the common app, approximately how long does it take before they send an email about setting up the portal?

Got the email next day!

same here
 next day in the afternoon

My child’s application says it it not complete, but there is a Y or Yes and a date received next to each thing thing in the checklist. Has anyone experienced this?

Yes- I posted about the same thing above. My daughter’s situation resolved in a day or so. In the interim, she emailed admissions about the discordance. After the portal resolved itself, she also received a reply from admissions confirming that all was in order.

Thank you! Do you remember how long it took to resolve itself?

I think it was one or two business days. It was over a weekend, which caused some angst, but all was well in the end. I’m sure your situation will also turn out well! I’d suggest your student contact admissions to put your mind fully at ease.


The image below is a UMD Report showing the 2022 New Freshman Application, Admission, and Enrollment results


Does UMD send a confirmation email that the application is complete? I see that it is complete on the portal but I have been reading that there has been issues in the past application years despite a complete message. Thought if we received an email it would be double confirmation that everything is good. Thanks!

Unless things have changed, UMD does not send emails or notifications that an application is complete. Likewise, UMD does not send emails or notifications that something is missing from an application

I believe that a number of problems reported last year were due to students listing courses taken outside of there high school and not providing transcripts from the Institutions that gave those courses.

There may be other posters who have more info on that particular problem than I do.

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What’s the link for this data?

It’s in the second column, sixth graph down, labeled “Undergraduate Admissions”

I shortened the time frame to only show 2021 and 2022

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I also selected “New Freshman” under “Select Students”

Anyone have guidance for the bar on an ACT superscore they would send vs not? OOS.

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You can see for 2022,ACT 25th percentile 31, 75th percentile, 34.

Yes I’ve seen. All scores are now inflated because of the optional ability. Asking the group - for an OOS - would you submit if a 31 ACT?

I do not have a definitive answer for you, but your post raises a question. Have you already submitted your application to UMD? If so, you have already specified if you are applying test optional or not.

That is an irreversible choice. If you did not pick test optional, you must submit an Official SAT or ACT by Nov. 1. If you did pick test optional, any test score that you send will not be considered.

If you have not submitted your App yet, time is running short.


Exactly this. UMD’s Nov 1 deadline for EA is a HARD deadline for ALL components.