<p>How is the engineering school of UM-College Park?</p>
<p>Very highly respected. What is your particular question?</p>
<p>Look carefully at the requirements for admission to the engineering major. I don’t have all the facts, but a close friend has two sons at UMCP, both sophomores this year. As I understand it, one isn’t admitted to the engineering program until after freshman year and admission is based on GPA, so class selection freshman year is crucial. My friend’s son just missed the minimum GPA and considered transferring after his freshman year.</p>
<p>You should post your question in the UMCP forum (under colleges, select “M”…it’s listed there). I can’t tell you anything about the engineering program, but there are folks there that probably can. Good luck!</p>
<p>Very respectable.</p>
<p>Not that ratings are perfect, but USNews listed UMD at number 23 in engineering, Number 9 in Aerospace.</p>
<p>I was an engineering major for a semester at UMCP. You can be a direct admit to the engineering program as a rising freshman. From my work with the engineering school (I worked as an Engineering Orientation Advisor the summer after freshman year), it’s a very good, well respected, (well funded, and well equipped) program to prepare you for a career in ENGR. That is to say, it’s a lot lot of work. I’m glad I decided it wasn’t for me before I got too deep into it.</p>
<p>If you have any other questions about UMCP in general, post on the specific forum for it or shoot me a PM.</p>
<p>My son majored in computer science at UMCP. He had many friends who majored in various types of engineering. Compared to the engineering students, he felt that he was goofing off. Their workload was intense, in his opinion.</p>
<p>Specifically, i am looking for Electrical Engineering</p>
<p>^^ And, what are your questions about EE at UM-CP?</p>