University of Miami 2021 Early Action Thread

Isn’t it crazy how much UM waitlisted this year…I feel like everyone ended up on the waitlist lol…???

Maybe their trying to get more commits to keep their numbers down ? /: @phoebe26

4.2 Weighted GPA and 2000 SAT
Accepted with 100k Presidential Scholarship.
Pretty elated right now.

Although I’m unsure, it seems, unfortunately, wait listed is worse than being deferred. “Last year we admitted 5% of the students on the wait list. For several years prior to that, however, we did not admit anyone from the wait list. It is difficult to predict wait list activity.”

Waitlisted with 1560 SAT II, 3.89 UW GPA, Classrank NA, 200+ in community service… not really sure why this happened since I got into much harder schools with decent scholarships

@kbittner sometimes schools do this if they see that you have amazing stats. This is because they assume you’ll choose to go to a higher tier school instead of their school because maybe it was a safety. They are just looking to increase the reported percentage of students who get in and choose to attend. This happened to my older sister. Accepted to many top 40 school, but deferred then denied to a top 80 school. Its silly, but congrats on the other offers anyway!

I got waitlisted as well and I’m confused on the logic of that. Why would they waitlist during early action rounds? There must be left over spots for regular decision so why wouldn’t they just defer and then waitlist people from regular decision? I got into harder schools as well and I’m kinda disappointed because I don’t even get a shot at regular decision either.

4.0 UW 4.66 W
34 ACT

1/ 561 class rank

I was accepted with a 18k/year president’s scholarship-
does anyone know if that means you don’t qualify for the scholarship weekend? and why there are so many variations in the award amount for the presidents scholarship?

I wonder why they said not today and then released decisions anyways

ACCEPTED! This is one of my top schools I am so so excited about this! Great essay, 4.0 unweighted, 4.6 weighted (have never gotten a B), 33 ACT (not superscored), lots of extra curricular activities including starting my own buisness… no scholarship as far as I know though… but so happy!

Every time I get bad news, I think of the show The Office. When Michael quit he said “you have no idea how high I can fly”. Take that Miami

My son got his FA letter at 3:30, his scholarship letter at 5, and the admissions letter at 7:30… Totally backwards, but we’ll take it! $19k Pres scholarship, plus $2000 smaller one. From SoCal. 3.7 UW 4.1 W; 1390 SAT; 9 APs; small school does not rank.

@AZanon my guess as to the variations on the amounts of the Pres scholarship (see is that it replaces FA for qualified students. Because I’m pretty sure if my son didn’t get $21k in scholarships, he would have gotten it in FA, as the final number was pretty much our EFC. I do think there is some holistic variable to this as well, maybe trying to get certain geographic/URMs/majors, whatever…

Or they throw darts at our kids apps pinned to the wall…


I was accepted with the achievement scholarship of 12k/year. My UW 3.7 and my W was a 4.7.
Act-28 SAT-1290
Rank 61/525

Accepted EA w/(Canes Achievement Scholarship)

SAT (NEW) : 1270, Perfect SAT writing score
UW GPA: 4.0
WGPA: 4.6111
Class Rank: 1/353
AP Classes (score in parentheses): Human Geography (3), Calculus AB (currently enrolled in)
AICE Classes: (score in parentheses): Psychology (A), U.S. History (B), Thinking Skills (E) , Global Perspectives (B), English Language (B), English Literature (currently enrolled in), Business (currently enrolled in), Environmental Management (dropped 2nd semester)
Senior Courses: 1 AP + 1 Dual Enrollment + 2 AICE. I don’t have a full schedule because I’m enrolled in the BCE program which allows me to leave school early every day to go to work.


  • Senior of the year finalist
  • Junior Marshal
  • Cambridge Ambassador
  • Junior Class Leader for Outstanding @ U.S. History
  • National Honor Society Member

Extracurriculur Activities: Cambridge Club, Science Club
Community Service: 100+ hours. Most hours are from helping out kids at an elementary school

Job/Work Experience:

1 Proofreader (2014-2015) - Worked about 5 hours/week

2 BCE Student (2016-PRESENT) - I work about 20-30 hours/week

Essay: VERY STRONG. 9/10 in my opinion. I’m really good at writing.

Recommendations: I think they were really good. I didn’t read any of them.

Race: Black
Sex: Female
Income Bracket: Middle
State: FL
Hooks: URM, 1st Generation College Student, a lot of work experience, Soon-to-be Cambridge Diploma recipient

Strengths: Essays, Academic Profile
Weaknesses: SAT score, not a lot of extracurricular activities

Also Accepted at:


Still waiting on:

Will my scholarship info come later or did I not get one lol? ( I’ve only received a decision letter)

34 ACT, 4.0 GPA with 15 AP classes etc

D was accepted
4.0 UW GPA
32 ACT superstore
$19K presidential merit

from IL

she was in a far better mood last night, after having been recently rejected from UVA and deferred from Northeastern and Tulane.

I think this has taken off a lot of pressure she has been under as she awaits future acceptances/rejections from other schools due to come in late March.

Although, I have always suspected that Umiami was her fav

congrats to all who received good news yesterday and to those that did not, you will find a fit that will make you happy wherever it is you choose to land.

I just got invited to Miami Lead, anyone have more info on that?

From Miami. Accepted to school of communication (undeclared). Weighted GPA 4.61. SAT (old) superscore: 2030. 10 AP classes total. Congrats to everyone accepted :slight_smile:

Son from NJ got accepted to the U, e-mail received about 10:30 last night. Needless to say, he’s quite pleased.