University of Miami 2021 Early Action Thread

Accepted EA w/(Canes Achievement Scholarship worth 14k)

ACT : 32
UW GPA: 3.69
WGPA: 4.36
Class Rank: School doesn’t rank
AP Classes (score in parentheses): AB Calculus (3), World History (4), Psychology (5), Biology (4), US Government (3)
IB Classes: (score in parentheses): English (currently enrolled)
Senior Courses: AP Statistics, IB English, Forensics, Anatomy, Peace Studies

African American Award of Academic Excellence
Honor Roll

Extracurricular Activities: Equestrian, working
Community Service: 51 hours (weak point)

Job/Work Experience:

1 Barn Staff, Instructor, Camp Counselor (2014-Present) Work about 11 hours/week

Essay: VERY STRONG. 9/10 in my opinion. I’m really good at writing.

Recommendations: I think they were really good. I didn’t read any of them. From a teacher I have had for 3 years (honors/AP biology, anatomy), and a teacher I grew very close to last year

Race: Black
Sex: Female
Income Bracket: Lower
State: MD
Hooks: URM, IB Certificate Candidate

Strengths: Essays, ACT, Academic Profile
Weaknesses: Lack of extracurriculars, community service

Also Accepted at:
Tulane(25k/year scholarship)

Deferred Georgia Tech

Still waiting on:
Emory, GA Tech (regular decision)

Same dude. Good luck


I agree the numbers are all over the place. I am reading that with same stats some students getting good Merit $$
and some students getting almost none Merit $$…

My D Got $0 for Merit and her stats are ACT 34 , 4.8/5.0 UW GPA. 11 APs and lots of ECs…
They miss our EFC by 30k. No way we can send her to her first choice School…

My daughter was accepted to the School of Education and Human Development and we are so excited because the U was her top choice. I am not seeing anything on merit scholarships. Where did you find out that information on canelink?

@NJDecor8er you will get an email first then it will populate in canelink.

@dadfor2014 Yeah, I really can’t figure it out either – my only thoughts are they must look at other variables/qualities in students they are trying to recruit.

For example, my son goes to a prestigious private school in Southern California that hasn’t sent any kids to UM recently. They may want to open up a pipeline to this school – it has become evident to me over the years (from looking at where kids from his HS go to college & talks with the guidance counselors) that certain universities have worked hard to build a relationship with our school (USC, NYU, Michigan & Purdue jump to mind), because in general, the kids are highly intelligent, very well prepared for the rigors of college work & the parents have $$ (not us – our kid is a poor scholarship kid!). The “average” student at this HS goes to a top 50 university. The top 25% usually are going to the Ivies/Stanford/Chicago/Northwestern, etc. There are a lot of kids (maybe 50-70) from this HS who could get into Miami & probably 80% of them could pay 100%.

Just a guess as to their strategy for the long game.

Does anyone know if you did not get financial aid letter is that to assume no merit$ or will that letter be emailed anyway… got acceptance email but not financial aid one…

^^ Did you check on canelink under Communication or Financial Aid. You should have one there.

@mom3boyz I would like to know this too. My S was admitted EA and offered $5,500 loan. :confused: His ACT score was weak though, so he’s probably lucky to get in; however, I’m seeing ACT scores less than his getting merit money. We can afford to pay full tuition, but it’s hard to say no to the other colleges that have offered him $100K and up scholarships. UM is his dream school though, and it’s great for his intended major(s), the campus is spectacular, it’s highly (enough) ranked, he can take a variety of courses and still graduate in 4 years, decent sized classes, the food is good, the kids are smart, it’s a perfect size, there is lots of diversity, the sports are good, there’s easy access to a major airport, lots of school spirit, good alumni network, beach nearby, greek system available but doesn’t dominate the social scene - the whole school seems pretty perfect for him. He’s waiting to hear from UCSB, UCSD, UCSC and USC, but they will all cost the same or more than UM and he likes UM better than each of them for different reasons. It looks like we may be paying full tuition for UM…

@dadfor2014 all it says is no access… under financial aid and under accept/decline, it says no access

^^ That tells me that your info is not posted yet.
Did you file for FAFSA and CSS on time ? May be some info is missing on those doc.
Try calling the FA office they will tell you why its not there yet…

Well, Deferred here. At least it’s not an outright rejection, but I hate to wait 2 more months for an actual decision. The wait had already been excruciating.
Can’t say I’m surprised they want to see my Senior year grades though, due to:
3.13 UW GPA
3.71 W GPA
But I was hoping I would just slide right in. Damn you Freshman Year (;-:wink:
I guess I’ll ask this now

Sat - 1470
3.75 UW GPA and 4.25 W GPA my first semester of senior year (As has been the trend since Freshman year)
Good essay and Great recommendations (thinking about getting another one just for a little extra since I got deferred)

Do you guys think I have a chance for my deferred decision?

@AHRed13 absolutely!

@naviance101 Thanks for the quick response, I appreciate the vote of confidence. Do you know whether deferred applicants have a better or worse chance at regular decision? Either way I’m gonna try and improve my application more if I can, but I’d like to know just to satiate my worries.

@AHRed13 I’m not an expert keep in mind but I do think that having applied early already clearly shows your interest so all I’m going to say it will not hurt your chances. My school highly emphasizes self-advocating so send your local admissions person an email clearly stating your interest, send another recommendation, etc. Good Luck!

I was deferred from three other schools early action, but got into the U. I was sooo surprised! Everyone keep up hope. You truly never know :slight_smile:

@AHRed13 I got deferred too, I’m really hoping that I still have a chance to get in, but I’m really confused as to why some very qualified people got waitlisted and some very qualified people got deferred? Do you guys know which is better? I hope you get in as your stats are better than mine. :slight_smile:

@nj7300 Thanks nj, I hope the same for you. I’m not sure which of the two are better though.

@nj7300 Typically schools will defer students early action and not wait list them. It’s kind of strange that Miami is wait listing students who applied early action. I think deferred is probably better, because you are now like a regular decision applicant. I believe wait list applicants do not hear back until after May 1st, the decision day

good for u @mtcchk17 where in nj r u from central northern southern/???>?>??