University of Miami Class of 2019 Early Action Results

Don’t have green dot(Or Im not looking in the right place) 1370/2040 ACT:31

no green dot 1360/2040

someone with the green dot should email/call admissions and just be like “yo be straight up with me what is with this damn green dot?”

Does anyone have the dot with 2000+?

Someone with a green dot, can you guys post a picture?

How do I post a picture

no green dot (or at least can’t find one), 33 on the act

@asticca16 literally the funniest comment I’ve read thus far :smiley: :smiley: I wish I could do that but I promise you the admissions chick I called today sounded like she did NOT want to talk to anybody! :confused: Like excuse me for having anxiety hahaha

Lol imagine if we actually cracked the code for the meaning of this mysterious green dot… Someone should seriously ask an admissions officer thoo

It seems as if everyone with lower sat score (myself included) does have the green dot, while higher scores do not…not a good sign!!!

@gchick143‌ hahah thanks i appreciate it but damn ya the admissions people are always so salty im sure they get like thousands of calls a day


If it’s any help, here’s the green dot url:

I posted it on Twitter… Check the hashtags #um19 #greendot

So does anyone with the green dot have higher SAT/ACT scores?

not hearing back is getting so frustrating! I got into Northeastern U in december and they said “by December 31” and i heard back December 15! especially since it’s supposed to be EA and i know people who applied regular decision to places and have already heard back.

The dot literally says complete next to it… Do the people with green dots live in Miami? Just thinking of everything possible lol


Don’t have a green dot and I live in Miami, unfortunately lmao

Gchick you’re so ruining my vibe right now lol