University of Miami Class of 2019 Early Action Results

@JrSmith1‌ i love how everyones just ignoring this side situation and still freaking out about the damn dot hahah

OKAY Start posting up locations and green dot status yea/nay


@alexisnicole13‌ doesn’t make sense… @gchick143‌ is from Miami doesn’t have it… I’m from Miami and I do have it

@Mfrias hopefully…was excited before that I had the dot and now I’m not so excited lol

I don’t have any green dot but the message saying my application has been complete has been on my status since October.
I have a 29 ACT, am in the top 5% of my class, and have a (4.13 out of 4 )GPA — my school does not offer many AP courses but I’ve taken all that I can. I am proud of my essay and common app…all I can do is hope for the best! It’s nervewracking looking at all of these posts, but good luck to you all as well!


D no green dot OOS 2220 SAT/4.3 W 10 APs Lots of ECs Like Paninman ^ she doesn’t even have the application section.

New Jersey, dot.

I’m an out of state applicant- I forgot to mention that in my last comment!

We should have all freaking major in criminology cause we could be the best detectives in the world at this rate hahaha :slight_smile:

Well, I obviously break the trend of low SAT = green dot = rejected, since I don’t have the dot. But I think the admissions officer theory or regions sounds plausible.

PA-Green Dot

@coklo7‌ how do you break the trend?

@mjzsep‌ sat score???

I’m an instate applicant.

I have a 33 ACT score, 7 AP’s, all fives except one four on the exams, a 4.2 weighted and 3.8 unweighted GPA. 500 hours of community service. I’ve already gotten into Northeastern University.

no dot

@coklo7‌ what are your stats? do you have a lot of EC’s?

@mfrias I mean, chances are Miami has more in-state applicants than from any other particular state (despite it not being a state school)… So its possible that there are more than one admissions officers working in that area? Not sure I’m just trying to take a good guess

Yeah, my tests scores are low. 1210/1750 SAT and 29 ACT. I have a crazy list of ECs and really good essays/recs/interview with admission counselor for my region. I just lack test scores. No green dot.

Where is everyone seeing this green dot

here’s a list of counselors: