University of Miami Class of 2019 Early Action Results

@coklo7‌ they might like you for your other stuff, they review apps holistically

I just looked on the #um19 hashtag on Twitter and saw the picture of the green dot - personally I think it’s just to mark as complete… Maybe we are all over analyzing it. I don’t even have that box - I just go to student center --> application status and it says my application is complete

Miami’s admission counselors are probably reading this thread and making fun of all of us

@swimchic10‌ thats what I do! What are your stats?

@JrSmith1‌ No I don’t

I am from Maryland and have a green dot. It seems like it might be regions seeing as I have seen people in NJ and Pennsylvania with green dots.

does anyone here with good SAT have the green dot???

Hi everyone…my daughter doesn’t have the green dot…I’m thinking Miami is a match for her…32 ACT, 4.54 GPA, lots of great ECs/leadership, etc. No dot. However, I think if the dot has any significance as it relates to a decision, I think it just means a decision has been made. So if they are done with your file, you get a green dot no matter what the decision is. But I could be wrong. Good luck to everyone you are certainly a bright bunch. We are New Jersey by the way.

I don’t even have the box for “my applications” it is literally just a white page after personal information

Here are my stats:
ACT 29, 4.13 (On 4.0 scale) GPA, class rank- top 5%. I’m an out of state applicant. My school does not offer many AP courses, but I’ve taken as many as I could.
extra curriculars: editor in chief of yearbook, president of a studner organization, and a 3x state medalist in swimming. (I’m just giving some of the highlights.)
And again, I don’t have the green dot. Best of luck!

After looking at the picture on twitter I apparently do have the green dot…2020 SAT and from East Coast



@swimchic10‌ looks like stats that could get you in! Good Luck!

@juliemarie go on twitter and search for #UM19 #greendot

@juliamarie181920‌ it’s on Twitter #um19 #greendot

Thanks @Paniniman‌. Good luck! I’m just sitting/waiting/wishing/freaking out like everyone else :slight_smile:

Ok my student center page just does not even have an admissions tab for me…is this with anyone else?

our state of panic will have #greendot trending in no time

@ctangel I think your the only person with a good sat score and a green dot and to be honest your giving me some hope that other people with similar stats to you have the dot too