University of Miami Class of 2019 Early Action Results

Has anyone received an email about the Ronald A Hammond scholarship? I’m waiting to hear back to see if I have been invited to the interview and was wondering if anyone else applied to this scholarship.

The Green Dot clearly just means that your application is complete and has been reviewed. If you have the green dot it says “complete” next to it, and thus your decision is ready to be revealed when miami makes it live. If you do not have the green dot, do not panic! It just means that your application is still being reviewed or has not been transferred to CaneLink as complete. Having the Green Dot at the moment may not mean you are accepted! So people who do not have it, don’t worry!

@devilscharger21‌ I agree with the fact that the green dot just means that everything is ready

if the green dot means that a decision is ready but a lot of people still don’t have it I think it’s safe to say that decisions do not come out today

Hi everyone…what I would like to know is those of you that have the green dot (my daughter continues to have no green dot and none of the changes you are all talking about) have you had it a while or did you just get it? In other words, did you not have it and then after the green dot conversation started you went back and noticed your screens changed and you had the dot? That to me would mean that they are gradually updating everyone once a decision has been made. But if those of you with the green dot got it around the same time and none of us non-green-dotters have received changes since, then maybe there is a “decision” meaning with the dot and screen changes?

Can somone that isn’t in school rn just call and ask

you guys need to stop annoying them, they are just getting more vague.

I called and asked about the Hammond invitations and the guy said they would come out in a few weeks.
Also, I do not have the green dot. I’m in Virginia. SAT 2110, 3.92 W GPA.

if the green dot means that your application has been completed and they’ve made a decision, maybe it’s just in alphabetical order? so some people don’t have it yet because their admissions officer hasn’t gotten to them if their last name is towards the end of the alphabet…i dont know for sure though I could be wrong, just a thought

Congrats to the people who got the singer/stamps invite. Does this mean all the invites have been sent already? :frowning:

I have green dot and my last name initial is F

S is from Florida, 33 ACT, 3.93 weighted GPA, 9 APs–no “admissions status” box or in the “favorites” drop-down menu. Miami should be a match for him, and most kids from his school get admitted, even with much lower scores. Don’t know what to make of the lack of an “admissions status” box.

Green Dot. Last name B. thinking the green dot is just a period ending the sentence with no real meaning

No green dot, only says application complete last name B
30ACT 4.0GPA
I looked at tweeted picture #um19 #greendot. The dot is clearly not a period and looks different from our admission page and indicates application is complete, not sure why
Mine just says application is complete.

hmm maybe not alphabetical then. I’m pretty sure it just has to do with the fact that your decision has been made, it’s just the matter of time until it’s officially released for everyone

Last name F from NJ 34 ACT 3.9 GPA top 5% no dot or even admissions section on student center page

Try the top of page self service tab, then open the admission tab, your status should be there

Son does not have a dot. 35 ACT 4.0 GPA and invited to stamps/singer February weekend.

I have to go to student center>self service>student admission>application status to view it. It is not on the home page. For those with the green dot, did the green dot replace your application number? The tweeted SIS screen looks like my UVA SIS screen. Maybe there are just two different versions or platforms they are using depending on the server it is networked to.

Yeah my cane link is down.