University of Miami Class of 2019 Early Action Results

Personally I have found “student admission” to be there for a while. But yeah that’s where I see my status too! @lenny2‌ I have no green dot

The mystery seems to be linked to when the green dots appeared and if they are going away or if more people are getting them? Still no green dot for my daughter, NJ, 32 ACT, 4.54 GPA, strong app (match student).

@15Dsando‌ I got that notification and I’m an international student.

no scholarship news?

Is green dot linked to financial aid or to do list?

I called and the guy told me we will get a decision towards the end of the month. So, 15Dsando you might be right.

@15Dsando‌ yeah, Feb 20th is the release date for students who are international :slight_smile:

@JrSmith1 I have 5 things under the communications tab

is it bad if i have only 1 thing under communications?

Most of the other communications are related to financial aid?

Ok so… I sent supplemental materials to UM on January 30th… I did not have the green dot then… On February 1st the green dot appeared.

Okay guys the dot is clearly just saying the application is complete like it literally says that next to it…let’s let it go and just wait it out

@gchick143‌ yes I’m international
@RtotheB‌ I didn’t expect us to get a later response than US residents

Hence the green dot. the file is open and being reviewed currently. The application is complete, but it is still under review.

@15Dsando I am an international applicant as well and I doubt we will get our decisions on the 20th. I’ve got that message as well on CaneLink, but to me it only means that we will get our decisions BY the 20th. All of the other schools I applied to EA gave me their decision the same time they gave it to US residents… I doubt it will be very different with UM

Guys, I was reviewing the UM EA Results Forum from 2018 and people started receiving the first decisions on the 4th last year, even though they heard they would come out on the 7-8th. Definitely some people received it in the mail before online, BUT the interesting part is that the decisions on CANELINK were sent out in bundles – don’t be surprised if some get the decisions before the many of us! :confused:

Also, it seems some of the denials and deferrals were sent out first, but it was overall a mix of acceptances and denials/deferrals, & also there was a shut down on Canelink for hours on the night of Feb 4th after everyone went to go check so #braceyourselves

what time did those results come in @ghcick143?

@JrSmith1‌ around the evening, arnd 5 pm :slight_smile:

International applicant notifications do come after after US resident notifications, thats what happened last year

Just talked to somebody about a half hour ago that says decisions are supposed to come out today. I thought they were the 10th but she reassured me that they were coming today.