University of Miami Class of 2019 Early Action Results


Where do you check your decision when it comes out?!

jeeze, you gotta chill girl

@KrutisK, look under the “self-service” pull-down menu.

i’m from New Jersey . I’m nervous for the result, but I believe no matter what it is, its meant to be.

good way to look at things! @creative5547

cr5547, what’s your second choice?

@krutisk wait i never even had a decision box… uh oh lol

@etroxxx‌ I have never had one there, not sure why.

The results will probably come out after 5. Remember, don’t base scholarship amounts on prior years. When awarding Merritt based adwards, they factor in geographic location and what school you are applying. At the end of the day, they need to fill the seats. If they are short on engineering students, they may offer more in scholarships compared to last year.

Good luck!

The box is supposed to be under a larger Admission tab, however that is not there for me either. It should be right below the Personal information section.

@KrutisK I didn’t even realize people had one

OHHHH wait I do have it lol whoops!

Never have had a box or a green dot. :confused: The only thing under Admission status says like “application complete.”

@bwaybb26 if you don’t mind me asking what are your stats?

It should be on the front page of the Student Center. When I check my application status, it is completed and I have no To-Do’s. Yet, no available box on the main screen where I would be able to view my decision later.

I just called… They said hopefully by next week /:

@mfs864 not today?? They probably just didn’t want to tell people today and freak them out. I NEEEED to know!

No one has that box.

I was just on my friend’s CaneLink and he has the box