University of Miami Class of 2019 Early Action Results

@swimchic10 everybody has it lol don’t worry

Sorry if this has already been answered, but does anybody know if we will get an email saying that our status has been updated, or will it JUST be posted first on CaneLink?
Thank you!

and @college1997q thanks! I’m just casually freaking out over here…

They’ll email you

Thank you! @chelle9

@swimchic10‌ Yeah they email you :slight_smile:

I think the invited number is more around 200 than 300, although I have nothing solid to back that up. I got the email an hour ago for the Feb. 27-28th competition.

@StagNation‌ did you email specifically say the Feb 27th competition? Do you think that invites for the other two weekends are yet to come?

@brixx21‌ Yep, and I couldn’t say. It would make sense because RD Singer applicants need a weekend, too. But your guess is as good as mine.

My email was for March 20-21

Do we know if tonight is the only night the Singer/Stamps invitations will be sent out?

Can someone post a copy of the email ? No one who was accepted has posted their stats?

You all just fall for anything everyone says on here. No one has posted any proof they got any email or accepted and you all dummies fall all over everyone with no proof … no stats. Everyones freaking out for no reason.

"Dear James,

You have been selected for consideration for our most prestigious merit scholarships, the Stamps Leadership Scholarship and the Isaac Bashevis Singer Scholarship, awarded at the University of Miami. The admission committee has recommended you due to your superior academic achievement and your ability to make distinctive contributions to the University of Miami community. We are pleased to invite finalists to visit our campus for a special event on the weekend of March 20 – 21, 2015.

During this weekend, you will interview with a member of the UM faculty, learn about the University of Miami’s interest-driven education, meet both current and prospective student scholars, and attend a special scholarship dinner. After the interview, a committee of faculty will select the final scholarship recipients based on the students’ essay evaluation, overall achievement, and performance during the interview.

Stamps Leadership Scholarship
Most prestigious merit award offered by the University
Scholarship covers the cost of attendance for four years of undergraduate study (includes tuition, fees, room and board, and books)
Stipend of $12,000 for research and study abroad opportunities over four years of study

Isaac Bashevis Singer Scholarship
Prestigious merit award offered by the University
Covers the cost of four years full tuition"

@vanguard96 Don’t know why I would lie about something like this… 34 ACT, 4.7 GPA, Multiple APs and Diverse Extracurriculars.

@vanguard96‌ @nickhart‌ Just posting my stats to get the ball rolling. Vanguard, I can PM you the email.

Decision: Accepted

Applied to which school/college: College of Arts and Sciences

SAT I (breakdown): 2330 (800 V, 770 M, 760 M)
SAT II: 800 Math II, 720 Lit
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.9
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 9/402
AP (place score in parenthesis): Spanish 5, French 4, Calc BC 4, AB Subscore 5, Chem 4, English Lang 4, Comp Gov 4, US History 4
Senior Year Course Load: AP Stat, AP Bio, AP World History, AP Literature
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): NMSF, nothing big


Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Debate (Captain), Environmental Team, Self-studied Languages, some rec soccer
Job/Work Experience: n/a
Volunteer/Community service: Ass. Soccer Coach
Essays (rating 1-10, details): 8, I thought my common app was decent and showed a lot of drive.
Recommendations (rating 1-10, details): 8, they were good but I only read one. This number means nothing though, students can never accurately rate letters from what I’ve seen.


State (if domestic applicant): PA
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Male
Income Bracket: 200k+
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): nada


Strengths: The languages, definitely. Maybe they noticed some self-studied APs, I don’t know.
Weaknesses: Community service
Why you think you were accepted/deferred/rejected: The Singer invites are weird so idk, just happy to get one at this point
Where else were you accepted/deferred/rejected: It’s pretty much Miami or Tulane now, depends who gives the $$$.

The email did not have an official acceptance (though I suppose, implied) - it was specific to the scholarship interviews and started “You have been selected for consideration for our most prestigious merit scholarships, the Stamps Leadership Scholarship and the Isaac Bashevis Singer Scholarship, awarded at the University of Miami. The admission committee has recommended you due to your superior academic achievement and your ability to make distinctive contributions to the University of Miami community.”

There were two weekends listed on the RSVP link, and one of the two dates was designated for my D on the letter. Each of the dates are labeled the same on the RSVP. Both say “Singer and Stamps Scholarship Weekend.” (Seems different from last year?) The link to RSVP was active and my D got a confirmation back.

No clue if the emails are being sent in batches or not. Maybe - I think they invite several hundred folks. My Ds stats are ACT 35, 4.0 UW, 10 APs with 5s on all, except one 4, mult. ECs with national leadership positions/awards.

Good luck to all! I know that waiting can take a toll. My D did NOT get invited for the big scholarship weekends at USC and went through that waiting - yuck. Hope everyone finds out soon! Sounds like this info has traditionally preceded formal admissions by a day or two - so hopefully not much longer!!

@JPruneski8 @StagNation Thank you for the posting and congrats to you both. My stats are pretty similar to Jpruneski8 … ACT 34 … rank #2 in class Mostly APs Varsity Soccer 4 years , Vice president Key Club and all those extracurriculars … . I am not so worried getting Stamps or Singer but just getting in and getting some $$. Congrats to all!

Decision: Accepted

Applied to which school/college: College of Engineering

ACT: 34
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0):3.9 (4.7 Weighted)
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable):11/380
AP (place score in parenthesis):8 total
Senior Year Course Load: Medical Internship, AP Lit, Physics, DE Cal 2, AP Macro, AP Stat
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): Placed in Ayn Rand National Essay Contest


Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): HOSA, FBLA, High School and Travel Hockey, HS Lacrosse, NHS, Mu Alpha Theta, Intern at Hospital
Job/Work Experience: Pizza Buffet 25 hours a week, Ice hockey referee
Volunteer/Community service: not much
Summer Activities: West Point SLE
Essays (rating 1-10, details): Common App-7.5
Recommendations (rating 1-10, details):

Teacher Rec #1: Calculus Teacher:7
Teacher Rec #2:Anatomy Teacher for 2 classes:9
Counselor Rec:Relatively Good
Additional Rec: None


State (if domestic applicant):Alabama
Country (if international applicant):
School Type: Large Public
Income Bracket: 100k+
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.):None (white middle class male)


Strengths:Scores, ECs(maybe)
Weaknesses:White, Male, Middle Class, Essay
Why you think you were accepted/deferred/rejected:Scores
Where else were you accepted/deferred/rejected:Auburn, UAB, Baylor Accepted. Waiting on USMA, Notre Dame, USC

General Comments: Ready for the Interview!!

@kidsrexpensive‌ I know the feeling about USC, wasn’t selected either! Good luck to your child! and @nickhart I wouldn’t worry about getting in if I were you your stats look great!!

Now there is no way I won’t be glued to my e-mail, this thread, and canelink until I get some sort of decision. I wasn’t nervous before, but these S/S invites got me anxious.