University of Miami class of 2022

so basically if they can fix the problem, then it will be posted tonight?

I don’t think anybody really knows what’s going on. It’s really frustrating!

@sunshine19 congratulations! - does the financial aid link tell you the amount of the scholarship or what type of scholarship you got,?

@Mon2NND yes it does, I called admissions and asked about it and they didn’t seem to know it was up, so I’m kind of worried

Did admissions say anything else when you talked to them??

@sunshine19 Mine shows new financial aid too under the financial awards tab that wasn’t there before but it doesn’t say accepted or anything. So confusing!!!

when i go to the “view financial aid” tab it and I click on the year it says “Cane Achievement Award” and then the amount. What does this mean??

I think last year this happened too - scholarships showed up on CaneLink before acceptance letters were sent out. I really hope they’re supposed to be there, my hopes are really high right now!!

so if we have scholarships appearing do we think that it means we were accepted?

@sunshine19 do you still have your “application status” showing on the mobile site?

So hopefully this means we find out soon!!!

@strafed yes @tt2142 I really hope so

I’m seeing some financial aid stuff too!

under the application status tab. Where it says program status. What does it say?

I have financial aid stuff too

do ED and EA decisions both come out today?

I just called the admissions office and they pretty much said that if you had financial aid you got in she was like i cant outwardly tell you but put two and two together…and she also said that they are releasing decisions til next week.

For everyone who got a scholarship did you apply ED? or was there anyone who applied EA and got a scholarship?

@jackd341 I applied ED

if you don’t have financial aid does that mean you didn’t get in?