University of Miami class of 2022

I wonder why an admissions official told someone earlier that it was delayed because of the hurricane. I don’t know what to believe.

Well, 4 more hours until hopefully some decisions are released!

Lets hope!!!

My financial aid link says I got a scholarship did this happen to anyone else??

does anybody have any idea about possible times?

I’m thinking they’ll come out from 5-7pm in waves.

EA, biology, SAT 1480, 3.7 UW/4.1 W, 8 APs, big extracurriculars and strong essay. Crossing fingers.

do people still not have have the Application Status tab on mobile site? I have it and people were saying earlier they don’t?

Good luck all. Hopefully we will find out tonight.

If anybody hears anything else, please let us all know!!!

Good luck everyone!! Hopefully we’ll hear some news tonight

when somebody finds out, make sure to say something so we can all check

Yep. Good luck everyone. Crossing my fingers today is the day.

@dcs1822 actually? everyone I’ve spoken to has said early next week. the fact that that person said it could be tonight is strange, they actually said that?

somebody said that there were technical issues and that they were trying to fix it tonight

The fact that they are claiming that the hurricane delayed them makes no sense. The hurricane was literally in September and didn’t cause too much damage, so I can’t imagine that this is something that would affect their ability to make decisions by a certain time. Technical issues actually does make sense to me so that’s what i’m hoping it is.

I’m so anxious!

I really hope it’s today

yes that is what they told me a few hours ago when i called. my other friend also called and they said the same thing so that’s what i believe the most @ughhh12345

2 more hours!! Please, if anyone hears anything new, post it.