University of Miami Class of 2024

January 5

Are EA applicants receiving premier scholarship notifications?

Anyone who got the Premier Scholarship notification, what were your stats?

@jdhMom D20 applied EA, invited to submit essay for prenier scholarship.

I applied EA and was invited to submit an essay for Premier Scholarships. I hope they’re not inviting a ton of students just to get rid of some students. From their letter:

“Finalists who fail to
submit a short essay by the deadline will likely not be admitted to the University of Miami due to lack of demonstrated

And one awkward thing is that the notification said ‘admission decision available’. Does this mean I am 100% going to be accepted if I submit an essay?

I believe the Premier Scholarship opportunity is very real and if someone isn’t willing to do it then it says a lot about an applicant and their interest in my opinion. They see the student stats and know that our kids may have a number of acceptances and/or scholarship opportunities. If I were to give out full tuition scholarship (not financial aid) to anyone I sure wouldn’t do it blind, financial aid is there for that purpose.

I read on their website that some will later be invited for a weekend to meet past scholarship students and meet faculty and will be interviewed. It won’t be enough to just have high stats!! I think it is an honor for my DD to be asked!

@SeoulJeju I don’t think they are trying to get rid of a lot of applications, but someone who doesn’t write a short essay for a potential full tuition + scholarship is exhibiting not only a lack of demonstrated interest, but a demonstrated lack of interest.

I don’t blame them for removing that person from consideration. They are open and upfront about it.

Thank you, @ildro . Would those invited to apply for a premier scholarship mind posting their stats?

If you haven’t gotten a portal update for the premier scholarships by now, does that mean you aren’t going to be invited? I was really hoping for this :frowning:

Yes, I understand that. I myself would have made the process even harder if I were the donor of the scholarship.

However, what I am worrying is if they named (for example) 100 people to finalist when they are giving premier to only, say, 5 people. I’m just hoping there is a chance for me to get it :frowning:

@nerdyaf09 I hope more invitations are coming. D20 also hasn’t received an invitation, and she was really hoping for one.

@SeoulJeju I misunderstood your first post. I don’t know how many are invited to submit essays, but I have heard that more than 25 per cent of people invited to campus are awarded full tuition scholarships. They give out something like 80 full tuition scholarships. Those seem like fair odds if you can secure the invite to campus! Good luck!

@VryCnfsd I’m hoping the same thing. My D20 has a 35 ACT, National Hispanic Scholar, National Merit Commended and hasn’t received an invite either. U of Miami is his top choice but we couldn’t go ED because we needed merit.

@jdhMom Your son sounds like the type of applicant that should definitely be invited to compete further!

D20 also couldn’t apply ED for the same reason; we need to see where we are financially with all of the colleges before she can commit. BUT, a full tuition scholarship to Miami would be tough to beat.

Since some members have asked, my DD is a finalist for premier scholarship. here are her stats:

1540 SAT
6/380 class rank from good public high school in NJ
95.5 unweighted/101.8 weighted GPA
12 AP classes and everything honors that was possible.

AP Scholar with Distinction
Captain (2 years) of competitive winter guard, member for 4
Color guard in competitive marching band for 4 years
200 volunteer hours
6 honor societies
Part-time job since this past summer

Visited the school last February and loved it!

someone said earlier that u Miami said they will release EA results in January this year. Does anyone know if it will be like at end of January like usual or if it could maybe be like mid-January
 I’m so anxious

Where did everyone who received the notification find it? Did you receive an email or anything?

@dreamer000 my daughter got a text message from UM to check portal for message. Then on the message center, it read admission decision, but then the letter doesn’t say exaclty its an acceptance, but saying finalist for premier scholarship please submit essay by Jan 5th.
By UM website EA decisions will be “late January/early February”

My daughter is EA and received a text telling her to go to her cane account. She has until Jan 5 to write the essay and submit it - no Christmas Break this year

Does anyone know if the EA applicants that received the essay request are accepted? It’s so odd that they would request this from them unless they were in right? It’s confusing

Have all the essay invites been sent out?