University of Miami Class of 2024

Yes, you can change EA to ED2 and I would suggest that bobcat3664 switch. Your stats may be a little low and I think ED2 will counteract them a bit and give you your best shot of getting in. Good luck!

I got accepted ED and haven’t heard anything about financial aid yet, I was wondering if anyone can comment on the accuracy of their Net Price calculator for aid? I would hope its accurate but you never know, gonna call them Thursday to see if things are processed yet for me.

Congratulations RogueRay!

My DD did not get an invite, nor does she have two different ID #s
1500 SAT 34 ACT
4.4 W 4.0 UW
Top 5% of class out of 700 kids (no ranking at her school)
Many activities, offices, volunteer, recs
National Merit Semifinalist, likely Finalist

@Trolleydolly She could still be given scholarship money. My neighbor’s DD who is two years old received a $25k/year scholarship but she was not selected for the Premier Scholarship, similar stats. There may be something specific that they are looking for beyond grades and SAT scores for the Premier Scholarships.

@jdhMom my DS also has 35 ACT, National Merit Commended, is an Eagle Scout, certified EMT, history of a true commitment to community service, among other ECs and did not get an invitation to write the essay either. However, he has not yet visited the school or shown strong demonstrated interest. Perhaps that is the issue? I am not sure what they are looking for.

Do you know if your neighbors daughter was invited to the scholarship weekend or did she just receive the award? It does all seem so random

This drives me crazy, it’s not like it’s free to apply. For OOS and even in state kids who are far away (or even close but don’t have the resources to visit) the application should be enough demonstrated interest. If my daughter who’s stats I mentioned up above gets in and gets some money she will likely go there. At that point we will go visit. It’s In her top three along with USC and UVA. Of the three the only one she’s visited is USC and that is because my husband went there. We are in Illinois.

Not sure how they chose the finalists but my daughter didn’t visit. She did attend an info session when the rep came to her school. A big merit award would definitely raise it higher on her list! I assumed they invited based on stats but there must be a little more to it. Good luck!

@jpayne66 She was not asked to write a letter and as far as she knew she was not up for the Premier Scholarship. There are other academic awards, The Presidents scholarship is up to $30k/yr which is the one she was awarded and the Canes Scholarship is up to $16k/yr. Here is what Miami’s website says about what they are looking for:

Portrait of a University of Miami Scholar

University of Miami scholars are students from across the world whose varied experiences, achievements, and interests help cultivate the vibrant academic community that is the University of Miami. Many rise to the top of our applicant pool and demonstrate significant academic accomplishments within their high school through a well-rounded college preparatory curriculum, a strong work ethic, and meaningful participation in extracurricular activities. Engagement and involvement are at the heart of the UM scholar experience, helping scholars to maximize their opportunities upon graduation. These students personify UM’s commitment to excellence in the development of “future leaders of our nation and the world.”

Does anyone know if they announce the Cane’s Achievement scholarships later? I have only heard of people that received the Presidential Scholarship. (I am talking about ED admits)

@Trolleydolly I agree. He also plays 4 instruments. Every single one of his ECs he does b/c he loves them (not to impress colleges or anyone else). He is authentic and doesn’t feel like he should have to play a game to get into college. He has a strong work ethic, is in the top 5% of his class, 35 ACT and has accomplished more in 17 years than many adults have accomplished. I am really not sure what they are looking for when they make these decisions and I can’t even begin to guess. There are so many wonderfully accomplished students with wonderful stories to tell - I imagine it is very difficult to choose.

Anyone have an estimate of when decisions come out?

@Musicmom2015 my ds had an exam and was unable to go to the info session at his school. He showed very little interest other than submitting the application. It was a late addition to his college list.

I read somewhere online that Uni of Miami doesn’t track interest but I could be confusing it with another school

So, these acceptance and premier scholarship decisions so far are ED only?
From what I have seen from the UM website, the EA decision will be in late Jan/early Feb. I assume at that time more premier scholarships will be awarded?

@SolMar my daughter is a semifinalist for a premier scholarship. She applued EA not ED. She was asked to submit essay by Jan 5.

@SolMar My DD is also a semifinalist for premier scholarship and applied EA. I assume those accepted ED would know by now if they were awarded at the time of getting in, but not certain. Those who applied EA based on last year will hear with their official acceptance end of January what their scholarship award is, assuming an award (Premier, President, Cane etc.).

Would anyone know if the Scholarships are only for those who applied for financial aid, or are they given out completely separately from financial aid awards? I know if someone needs aid that the scholarship funds, if awarded, go toward it. Curious if someone is deemed to not need financial assistance if they would still get a scholarship? I am thinking it would be less likely but nothing to go on.

Although they may be reviewing both ED and EA together for the Premier Scholarship! That could be the case as both are considered, in that case then the Premier notifications may come out together the end of January.

OK, it is not clear to me why EA decisions are already out for some applicants and not all. I was wondering why my DD did not get any CaneLink notification. She applied EA and has 1550 SAT, 3.98UW/5.05W GPA, 18 AP/AICE/DE courses, National Merit Semi-finalist (likely finalist), and tons of EC/leadership. We visited the campus last Fall.

She did not list UM as the first choice for National Merit. Could that be a reason or the EA decisions are due in late January and they will make a decision at that time?