University of Miami Class of 2024

I applied for nursing, 3.8 UW 32 ACT, I’m not really sure of the competitiveness of the program but I’m wondering the same thing.

There are several different Premier Scholarship options. Some require finalists to submit essays; others have no additional essay requirements. The website states that all finalists will be notified of merit awards when they receive their admission decisions. Good luck everyone!

So, I know my son has no chance of getting in to Miami but the Admissions tab from his log on is gone…LOL

@basilwat Has that been a sign of something in the past??

@FoxRulz I have no idea!

@basilwat and @FoxRulz - My daughter’s disappeared too! Oh I hope that doesn’t mean they didn’t get accepted! She will be heartbroken as it’s her top school! Does anyone from previous years know what it means!!! Now I am really worried

@jpayne66 it could just be a glitch…I’ve seen stuff like this on other sites …fingers crossed for your daughter!!! I’m sorry, it was not my intention to cause more stress during this stressful time!!

I don’t understand what you all mean about something disappearing. But my other daughter got in three years ago and it appeared in the message center and to do list I think.

@kslinky…it’s a tab on the menu of your portal log in…when you click on the admissions tab (which is no longer there) it will say Fall 2020 and then it will show your name student ID and your name, app number, semester applied for etc…that tab is now gone on the menu in the portal for my son…

It appears my daughter’s has disappeared as well… any idea on when we will find out the EA decisions? hoping this is just a system glitch…

@basilwat @southerndreaming @jpayne66 – my son’s disappeared too. I’m not sure what to think – my older son got into the U with a hefty scholarship back in 2017 & my younger one has a higher GPA & much higher ACT & more ECs…so go figure? Maybe it’s just an update to the system.

My sons disappeared as well. There has to be an admission tab whether they are accepted or rejected I would assume…thats where either decision is probably released. I would think they are updating the decisions but just a guess

I can still access my daughters because I saved in favorites so it’s still there.

Yeah, I went back & looked at the threads from prior years. I don’t think it means anything as people who commented that their tab disappeared eventually got in. There’s not enough data (3 people), though, to make any sort of conclusive assumption that no tab = admit. I think they are just updating the system.

@Steglitz90…I am under no illusion that my son will get in with his stats LOL…and even if he did, I doubt he would get enough merit money to send him because dayum, the school is super expensive…He wanted to apply for the hell of it…He applied EA…

Hoping everyone gets accepted that wants too! Fingers crossed ?

@Steglitz90 i asked my daughter to have her friends who were also applying check their portal as well… maybe a system glitch? fingers crossed because her friends had the same thing.

@bgel33 it appears as though your stats are there according to the website. avg high school gpa of a nursing student is a 3.7. There isn’t much out there about people applying for this program, and she’s been nervous because her stats are around there

So there is still hope :smiley:

Anyone else notice a change in their portal? I’m now able to click through and see some financial aid information that wasn’t there before. Not sure it means anything but it’s definitely new.