University of Miami Class of 2024

@dadknowsbest I noticed that but there is no financial package uploaded yet.

Anyone got his financial aid package till now ??

My daughter just checked her account and there isn’t any financial info uploaded yet

Well I see that the NCP hasn’t submitted their documents - I sure hope that isn’t why S didn’t get an invite to write any essays!!

My daughters financial aid is updated and they need her signed tax return. Confusing because it didn’t reject on idoc but is showing as incomplete on canelink.

I am pretty sure that decisions will start releasing tonight after 5 pm or on Monday after 5 pm. They rolled out by time zone 2 years ago when my D was accepted. Historically, EA are released on the 2nd Friday of January or the following Monday after the 2nd Friday in January. Hope that makes sense! So it’s today or this upcoming Monday!!!

Goosebumps! On the financial aid tab, look for “awards” and the COA is broken out - no merit showing, just loans!

When do EA decisions come out?

you guys mean like an admission icon? where it has course catalog blackboard, browse classes etc?,

i have to say they have a very old antiquated user interface as compared to FSU, UF, Wisconsin and Georgia
 its almost like a glorified spread sheet with drop downs

i spoke to UM yesterday and the admission person that the decisions are ahead of schedule and most likely out a little earlier than expected
 i didn’t ask when but she seemed to mention a week earlier
 not sure it that is next Friday or the following?

@shoshannabatya my D applied EA 2 years ago and the decisions did not come out until Feb 1 (and I just verified this by checking her acceptance letter that I have a picture of). At that time UM had posted on their website that EA decisions come out late January, however when they did not release the decisions in late January they changed their website to say Late Jan/ Early Feb and it has been this way since then. I would not expect EA decisions before the end of January, but I guess one can always hope. I also know that 2 years ago the day they released the decisions they posted on their Instagram page a picture of envelopes being put into a mail box to indicate decisions were coming out.

did anyone receive his\her financial aid package yet???
The deadline for the enrollment nonrefundable deposit is January 16.
How can we pay the deposit before getting the financial aid package?

@fifanto365 you referring to ED?

@jhmoney yes, ED admitted students.

@kslinky My son’s portal also has the same “incomplete” status regarding our 1040 – which have been uploaded on Idoc since October (& other schools have had no problems with it because we’ve received FA offers from them). I guess I will call the FA office on Monday to find out what’s up as I have nothing new or different to upload to Idoc.

@Steglitz90 hers wasn’t signed so I just had her sign it and I uploaded it again

From last year’s threads about EA decisions, they were released on 01-29-2019 by 5:30 pm. SOOOOO
over 2 more weeks to go. :confused:

@kslinky – yeah, now that I think about it, ours were electronically signed (because we filed online), so I guess we can sign them & resubmit, but they aren’t “real” copies of what actually filed then

Decisions came out January 31st last year and Feb 1 the year before ;(

i saw that some of my financial aid documents have to be signed too, do you guys think this will hurt my admissions decision? i already turned in those documents a little late because i didn’t even know what a cssprofile was until the deadline.