University of Miami Class of 2024

out of state and high stats will likely get deferred

does anyone know when ED 2 comes out!!??

Accepted with 25k a year scholarship!!! I am ecstatic. Accepted to business

Daughter just got accepted!
SAT: 1330
GPA: 3.8 unweighted
Rank: 17/548
Extra: NHS, SGA Treasurer, Varsity soccer and flag football team captain, over 1000 service hours, all-state for flag football
Accounting major

Accepted into Mechanical Engineering!
Sat :1400
GPA:4.0 unweighted
To those with really high stats getting deferred, I think it could be that they’re assuming you have better options with such an impressive applicants.
I also got 20,000 presidential scholarship

Accepted to Comm School! I will post some of my stats in case anyone is interested
20k annual presidents scholarship
3.9 UW 4.9 W
1360 SAT superscored
10 AICE 3 AP classes
700+ hours of service, Class council VP and Representative, NAHS VP and Pres, NHS historian, Newspaper Photography Editor, ENHS, other clubs and outside activities.
I liked my common app essay personally and think i had good rec letters
Super happy to get in and congrats to all!

I got accepted
SAT: 1240
GPA: 3.7 unweighted 4.7 weighted

D was accepted with Singer and Foote Fellows. She is thrilled, and has already sent in her RSVP to scholarship weekend.

Business Analytics
1540 SAT
rank 6/385 from good public school in NJ
101.6 weighted GPA
12 AP classes. 13 exams.
Captain of competitive Winter Guard
Color guard member of competitive marching band.
200 volunteer hours.

Stats: 33 ACT, 4.19W (3.85UW), lots of ECs, great recs, 100 service hours

Accepted: 25k a year scholarship

^^ meaning they wanna award their sports to the applicants who they’re certain are gonna attend. It’s the only logical explanation to what I’m seeing as I’m amazing at how many applicants with better stats than me are getting deferred.

My DD was deferred also. OOS. GPA - 3.99UW/4.4 W, SAT 1320, ACT 28 (this is probably what hurt her) applied for Communications. Lots of ECs.

Deferred 3.55 GPA and 1270 SAT… Surprised!

Where do you see financial aid/scholarship information? I got accepted as well but do not see any information about financial aid.

Like this message if you’d want to join a group chat for those attending scholarship weekend :slight_smile:

@tennisplayer978 I’m in the same boat. I can’t find any scholarship info but I got accepted. The admissions office says they will release scholarships tonight so Im hoping I will still get some. I had 35/1550 so I dont know how I didnt get any merit

DD accepted with Singer and Foote. She is so excited but her first choice major is Frost School and they have not issued decisions – any idea when these will come out from past years? If no Frost, she likely wont go and that freaks her out because she wants to go to Miami. 35 ACT, nonranking school, 4.6 weighted GPA, and lots of music accolades.

DD was accepted with a $15,000 Canes Achievement Scholarship and she is NMF so she qualifies for the $24,000 Benacquisto scholarship.

1500 SAT
4.5 GPA
11 AP classes

We were deferred OOS but they don’t have a dance program so wasn’t at the top of our list. Has anyone here been rejected via EA?

@user3207 I also got a 35 act and am confused. Hopefully tonight we will learn more information!

@tennisplayer978 I hope so. I love the school but really need some merit