University of Miami Class of 2024

DD accepted nursing.from MA
34 ACT
Grades. 3 B’s, 21 A’s (4 AP, rest honors)
20,000/year Presidential

Girl Scout Gold Award - designed/implemented emotional support system in a major hospital for chemo patients

President Healthcare Occupation Club
7 varsity letters
6 musical theater shows (including lead)

Acapella/choir performances including Carnegie Hall, Boston Wang, Disney

Berklee College of Music Dean’s Award
Relay for Life team captain/fundraiser 2 yr
Worked 2 weeknights throughout school
President French Club
Student council 2 years
NHS, Tri-M, French honor societies
Weekly tutoring
4 college credits from Tufts/American U

@sabru413 thank you! I luckly got two presidents ($52k/ year)

Current student here. Just wanted to hop on here and clarify a few things about the decisions process and financial aid.

  1. OOS vs. in-state does not matter. We are a private college, so there is no difference in tuition and therefore no difference in decision based on location.
  2. Visiting the school does not matter either for admission purposes. No amount of “showing interest” prior to decisions is taken into account.
  3. For those who only see merit aid and/or loans, the school gives need-based grants only if the CSS profile is filled out completely (including sending tax documents) and the family qualifies for this. You will only receive federal aid from FAFSA if that is all you filled out.
  4. The amount of students accepted (based on previous years’ trends) is around 10,000 out of the almost 40,000 applicants. Only about 2,100 students end up attending the school, that’s why the numbers seem low.
  5. For those deferred, please be patient. If Miami is one of your top choices, I suggest showing your continued interest by emailing admissions and sending additional documents that the Admissions Officers can look at when re-reviewing the file.

My son is on the same boat.

College of Arts and Sciences - Computer Science
Here’s my stats:
GPA: 3.7 (UW)
3 AP Classes (My school only offered 4 total)
All other classes were honors
A normal amount of extracurriculars
Out of state
ACT: 32 super score

I received the president’s scholarship: 20k
Honestly very surprised and I’m definitely committing soon

Accepted, EA. Chem: 34 ACT, 4.2 GPA

She received a separate message (Separate from acceptance letter) in portal about the Foote Honors

Is Foote Honors the honors college? Does it come with more money? I can’t find any info about it on the website.

Accepted. Rosentiel marine sciences. 33 ACT (34 super score), 3.9 uw GPA. Lots of EC 2 varsity sports. Didnt hear anything about scholarship. I’m hoping he can get something because I don’t know if we can swing full price. We were hoping for some scholarship

My DD was deferred, too. We’re very surprised. Was anyone denied? I’ve read all of the decisions posted and only see Accepted or Deferred. If UM just defers all of those who were not accepted, our chances are very low for a good outcome. ?

@Newmommy9999 is the frost acceptance the same letter that was sent today. Is it possible to get a separate email from frost ?

Son accepted
3.85 UW GPA 4.65 Weighted
Many AP/Honors classes
32 ACT
$23K Presidential Scholarship

My heart goes out to all those deferred. Looks like some strong students with similar stats didnt make it in or didnt get merit aid. Doesnt seem to make much sense sometimes. Keep your heads up. Best of luck to all!!

accepted with 23k presidential. I am devastated I could only attend with full tuition and I can’t believe I didn’t qualify for premier :frowning: I thought I did everything right and my scholarship essay was the best I’ve ever written. Guys I’m so sad please someone say there are more merit scholarships to be sent out. UM is my top choice other than that idk where to go

Replied earlier but here are DD stats

Accepted - Neuroscience
3.8UW 4.98 W IB Program plus AP Testing in 5 courses
1460 SAT (710V/750M)
Canes Scholarship (Was finalist for Premier but not selected)
EC’s include internship at Research Lab past summer, significant involvement and leadership in Theater program.

Also, they say there were 38,000 applicants for 2,100 spaces, making it a 5.5% acceptance rate… is that possible?

No that is not correct, they will offer admission to many more than 2100 students. 2100 is the anticipated number of incoming freshmen they are looking to have. Number of accepted students will be much more than 2100.

Anyone have an idea on when ED2 will be released?

Should the letters of continued interest be sent to your local area admissions rep or someone else in the admissions department?

So no one actually knows whether merit scholarships might still be awarded if an admitted student didn’t receive a letter about it today with the acceptance?

Yes, we are wondering also. When we click on 2021+, menu, lifetime awards, we just get a blank space.

@debbeut Try a different browser like Crome if not getting anything when clicking on 2021+