University of Miami Class of 2024

We got the email to check the portal.

@shelbiwin I believe is 2 different things, the awards come with not restriction at least is how it show in my son’s account, while the other that is the scholarship Canes Achievement specifically said they have to be enroll for more than 12 credits and a GPA higher than 3.0. I believe the total is the sum of both.

@tlk1993 r you looking at the full site? That is where you should be doing it.

@kitkat57 it is crazy!!! I don’t understand the way they r splitting the $$$ , in my son’s case I feel like they are just trying to balance the amount of money so they don’t give extra, is very unfair because merit is merit!! Sorry to hear that you won’t come , with your stats I bet you have other very good options.

Okay thanks I hope that’s the case. Does your son have the same dollar amount under both “Your Award Information” and “Grants and Scholarships”? Because mine do and that’s why I was thinking they might be the same.

@Ctamayo Your situation is even more ridiculous! How is it fair that your son, who was considered for a premier when I wasn’t, was given even less aid than me? Defies all logic
 Completely unfair.

for admitted international students:
why UM didn’t include the university-sponsored health insurance plan in the cost of attendance section.
keeping in mind, it’s mandatory for international students.

Agree. Their Website looks like it’s designed by freshmen doing it for extra credit.

@Ctamayo no name on the award
 thank you for trying to help!

My son was invited to write an essay for premier scholarships. He was accepted with Presidential scholarship but no reference to any premier scholarships. Should I assume that he is out of the running for premier scholaships or is that coming later. I assumed that they would tell applicants one way or the other.

@2020CollegeDad I would guess that your son just got the Presidential. I believe I read that UM does not specifically tell finalists for the premier scholarships that they did not receive one. I don’t agree with that policy, but I think that’s how they handle it.

Just a note to those considering UM who received scholarships that require a 3.0 cumulative GPA . It is calculated every semester, with no “grace period” (seems like most other schools calculate at the end of the spring semester each year). I know a 3.0 seems like it would be easy to maintain for these types of kids, but the U has a ton of distractions (especially first semester – football/tailgates/clubbing/beach). Do not underestimate the toll of extreme partying & other distractions at school (any school). My son knew quite a few on his freshman hall (RIP Stanford – being torn down now) who failed to get a 3.0 – most were engineering or pre-med, where the course load is super heavy right out of the gate. From my son’s experience, I know that some classes are curved heavily (chem – where a 78 was a B ) & some are reverse curved or “grade banded” (in business). I had never heard of grade banding, but my son was in a business class (I forget which) where the top score was an A & everyone else is scaled from there. My son earned an 88, which was a B+, as expected. His friend, however, had a 93, which was scaled DOWN to a B+ as well. Our first year strategy with our son was not to push him into Calc (he had a 3 on AP), but have him do pre-calc again. He earned an A+, and then got an A in Calc 1. This also padded his GPA for scholarship purposes. The takeaway: build a relatively easy schedule first semester to pad the GPA so you can survive bumps in the road later, because if you hit that bump too early, you will lose the scholarship.

@2020CollegeDad - my D is in the same boat - she was invited to write the essay but only received a Presidential award. It’s hard to let the dream go of full tuition being paid but the Presidential $ is something and it is her top choice. The financial numbers will have to work out still. It’s crazy how expensive the U is. I hope it is worth it! best of luck

@jpayne66 @2020CollegeDad - my D was invited too for Premier, but only Canes scholarship, less than Presidential award which brings cost inline with her first choice, which we are waiting on that decision. We will hopefully hear in a week, it is more competitive than Miami. She/we know she won’t get $ at her first choice so assuming she gets in, she will not be attending Miami, but a Presidential scholarship or higher definitely would have changed the conversation for us!! 
Somehow, I think they knew that was a possibility because they can see where her brother attends, which is her first choice, as they ask about siblings on the common application. There is a science behind acceptances and awards!!

Those deferred with top stats, Miami, knows you are looking at it as a safety, especially if able to pay full boat. They may have even looked at my D as a safety, to a degree
so if it is a first/top choice, it should absolutely be stated and noted to Admissions and to your counselors who can also advocate for them. I don’t blame these schools to hold back if they think the student isn’t serious because it would hurt those who it is their first or second choice. Miami also does not ask for an essay and I imagine some apply simply because it is easy!!

@shelbiwin Yes is the same $10000 but I truly believe they are 2 different things. Cross our fingers and pray??

@kitkat57 We tought that when they selected for the premier it was because he was going to get the max in presidential scholarship $30000 and that they were just looking for some to just give them the extra for the total
Amount. They said in the letter that they were the top of the applicants. Is very disappointed.

@FoxRulz the problem is that we didn’t apply for financial aid because we won’t qualify , we were really expecting a presidential with more than &20000. Would you mind sharing how much did you get for presidencial scholarship?

Definitely, I really hope you’re right! I’m in the same position as your son, they said I was a finalist for the premier scholarship so I submitted my essay but now I haven’t heard anything else abt it and under scholarships on my canelink I only have the canes achievement award :frowning:

@Ctamayo ^^

@Ctamayo @shelbiwin - My D also got a Canes following the invite to write for Premier, so same boat, $10k
we did not qualify for aid, but knew that and absolutely believe that is a factor as to why not given more
is Miami your kids first choice? It is close 2nd for mine and a Presidential or higher could have changed the conversation but now we wait on her first choice decision, she does want to join her brother!! But it is more competitive and no guarantees for sibling, but both of them attending same school definitely cuts down expenses, thus $10k isn’t enough to change the ranking of schools for her.