University of Miami Class of 2024

@FoxRulz miami is tied with another school for my top spot, I was hoping that I would get the premier scholarship and the money would make the decision for me. But now that I don’t think I got it idk what to do…I’m doing to call the financial aid office for clarification but until then I have no idea what to do because UM is just so expensive it’s crazy.

Does anyone know when the ED 2 decision comes out?

Did you apply for financial aid?

If so, you don’t get as much love as kids who did not ask for any aid…and they usually get merit to entice them to come…only 50% of the entire student body that now attends U of Miami applied for financial aid.

All this information is available on…when you see private schools with only 50% of kids applying for aid, you know that cash is a big priority. If you didn’t get accepted they are assuming you can’t or won’t pay full boat to attend even if you have the scores and gpa. It’s better for them if they reject you first because your rejection hurts them in the rankings.

More and more international kids are applying and getting in–they now make up 15% of the student body and almost all are full pay kids. The more kids that reject their offer the more they will need to offer merit $$ next year.

Here is their other game: last year they put 10,000 (yes 10 thousand!) on the wait list- and only took 40 FORTY kids! Those 10,000 kids did not reject them–so they put them on the wait-list and those rejections never show up and don’t hurt them in the rankings—many schools do this, Boston College does this every year. I do home US News and World Report calls them out—just shameful. U of Miami is an ok schools but with a growing international population of 15-18% you really need to see that cash and high scores is important to them.

So sorry you did not get admitted…but surely you will get better offers elsewhere-Hope you get into your #2 dream school!

Noelle222: Are you in the admissions office? You have a lot of information that is not available to most people.

@maril555 Hillarious! Love it!

@shelbiwin are you an out of state? Or Florida ? Also did you check the tab for “lifetime awards”? In my son’s it shows the first award .

@Ctamayo I live in Florida. And yeah same for me it only shows one award under “lifetime awards” but it only says “institutional grant” not canes achievement award.

@shelbiwin , we r in florida too?, remember that there are grants that the universities have from private sponsors , that is what I think they gave us. And the other is the scholarship. Is good news? Good luck to you.

Just got accepted with the Hammond full-tuition scholarship and Foote Fellowship Honors Program.

SAT: 1350
GPA 3.7uw
Lots of really unique ecs, started the Black Student Alliance at my school which I think really helped me land the Hammond.

Goes to show you that its not all about the numbers, but I must have written some damn good essays.

I was thinking the same thing… thats on par with Ivy league schools. I had to read it again and again. The video they sent confirmed it though.

in rewards it says i have 20k presidental but in lifetime it says 20k institutional grants. are these the same thing? pls help :slight_smile:

@jrose21 we believe is 2 different things . You got $40000 total in aid between grant and scholarship. Well done?

i hope so wow, but i am skeptical because when i click on the tab “financial aid disclosure” the section that says “grants and scholarships” only shows 20K. Id be in shock and insanely happy if my total was 40k but i am not so sure. thinking of calling FA office on monday

Why do you think they are two different things? I hope I am wrong but I think they are the same thing. It seems unlikely that the award amounts for presidential and institutional grants keep matching up. It seems more likely that they are the same award.

@Booksmart27 when you say waitlisted don’t you mean deferred? If so you are saying they only took 40 kids that were deferred ? I saw something like that on the CDS but not sure what it means ?

I was accepted EA, received the President’s scholarship for $23k a year, and applied for financial aid but am still very confused by my financial aid offer (or lack thereof hehe)

Total cost is ~$73k and my expected student and parent contribution combined is about $30k, making my “Remaining need” section $43k. However, in my Grants & Scholarships and Award Information sections, only the $23k President’s Scholarship is listed. Does anyone know if this means UMiami is giving me $20k in need-based aid to cover the rest of the cost or if I would be expected to pay the rest of that in loans? Also, I thought merit aid is stacked on top of need-based aid, not a replacement for it. Overall, I am just very confused about the financial aid package, so if anyone could offer any insight that would be great!

I applied for EA and I still haven’t recieved any email or canelink notifications regarding my application. Is it because I am an international student, or perhaps because I haven’t applied for financial aid or any other scholarships? I am currently extremely nervous because all of the people that got their responses have been either admitted or deffered and I am afraid that since my decision hasn’t been rejected I might be in the reject list.

Does anybody know when I will know if I get admitted or rejected and if there are any exact date? Thanks in advance.

Acceptance received last night and just discovered on the portal (thank you CC!) an award for “Bachelor of Fine Arts President’s Theater Award Scholarship” $30,000 a year! Do all President’s awards identify major specifically ? or is this more of a departmental award? Can’t find answer on their website.

liljeep-I received the same!

Bobbiejr7 - Is it too hopeful to think they made a mistake with our admission decision? Because they wouldn’t award any financial aid if we weren’t accepted, right? I’m gonna call the admissions office tomorrow but this seems like a good sign.