University of Miami Class of 2024

For ED 2^^

My son is greatful to make it with a premier scholarship, Foote Fellows and an invitation to Health Mentoring program.


My daughter also received $15k from Tulane but has nothing shown on her Miami portal. She is a Business Marketing major.

All - Is it safe to assume that if the acceptance shows no merit award, that it will not come later? It appears that there are recipients of the Presidential award with the recent acceptances.

If that is the case then my daughter will not be able to attend.

31 ACT
3.9 UW GPA


Were they actual letters in the mail or emails? My son just got an email but no letter yet.

MiltonMom2 - The screenshot of the letters my daughter texted me show that they were on her CaneLink.

My Dā€™s second choice is a University in England. I think that without additional money we will be heading across the pond in September! Not ideal but they do finish in 3 years!

Iā€™m shocked tooā€¦ deferred w 35 ACT/4.6 weighted, and im even doing real stem cell research. Not sure what they wantā€¦

Does anyone have any info on the HPM program? How helpful it is in getting into medical school, how many people are accepted, etc.?


Applied to comm
31 act
3.653 GPA
500+ volunteer hours
Very strong essay/extracurriculars
I have visited campus and shown demonstrated interest at multiple college fairs

Does anyone know if there were denials sent this wave? Or what percentage of deferred students get accepted? Thank you

D20 accepted with Foote Fellows and Prism, but no letter about merit scholarship. We were hoping to combine merit with Benacquisto to make it affordable, but I am not sure that is going to happen.

I havenā€™t seen anyone else talking about PRISM here. Does anyone have an opinion about it?

Yes there were

Did admits receive financial packages?

My son was accepted but received no mention of merit either.My older son just graduated early from Miami and was a recipient of a Presidential Scholarship back in 2016. But I guess things are different now. I am disappointed.
SAT: 1520
UWGPA: 3.9

anyone know when we can expect a package in the mail?

Aw man. Yeah we in the same boat then. Iā€™ve been told that you should try to negotiate with them. If you wrote to Miami and said youā€™d like to attend there, but the financial aid isnā€™t good in comparison, they might try to raise it. Iā€™ve heard of that happening with schools sometimes if your a high stats student. Your daughterā€™s grades are top of the line so Iā€™d take a try.

Both AMAZING schools, so congrats to here and maybe weā€™ll get to meet at Tulane next fall :slight_smile:

@VryCnfsd what is PRISM? Never heard about it before .

Have anyone received any weeks scholarship? Or Stamps?

My child was accepted with merit , Foote and Prism and was told to apply for the Health Professions Mentoring Program, that others have already been accepted into. Did anyone else get a letter saying they had to submit an additional application.
Do students attend both the scholarship weekend and accepted studentsā€™ day when they have to take a plane to go?

@Ctamayo PRISM is the PRogram for Integrated Science and Math. It looks like some kind of UG research program, but I hadnā€™t heard about it until D20 was told she was accepted into it. I was kind of hoping to find more personal information than is available on their web page.

Yes, I had to write an essay- about 250 words

@MusicMomSC ^