University of Miami Class of 2024

Is any one from the Tallahassee area or the north of Florida?

When does RD come out?

Anyone know? I am interested as well

Did anyone who got ADMITTED not receive an invite to leadMiami in the portal. If you did not, please comment.

can you guys (who got their FA letter) show my your Cost of attendance and what is included and how much for each element?
plz state whether domestic or international student you are.

@newjerseysenior According to the website April 1st

Daughter deferred from early to reg decision
GPA 3.8, 4.5 W
ACT 33
AICE Diploma, Science research program at HS, 6 yrs in Girl Scouts, some minor art awards

That’s my case. I was admitted but not invited to anything, but keep in mind that I am an international student who does not reside in America, so that could have something to do with it

Hi, does anyone have information on the Ronald Hammond Scholarship? My twins were admitted and nominated to apply, and they did apply but process is confusing. I am just wondering when notifications go out or did we miss it somewhere?

Regarding the Ronald Hammond scholarship, I spoke to admissions and the offer would have been extended in the admissions packet. My twins were accepted and received merit money but did not receive notification of the Hammond scholarship. Oh well!

are smaller scholarships released later?

I was hoping that ED2 would come out today since EA came out a week early-but nothing so far.

u guys who got their financial aid awards
what is the difference between awards and lifetime awards (cuz they both are the same for me)?
In other words, what is meant by lifetime awards?

anyone who applied to early action received their financial aid package?

Based on other years and the fact that they usually release on Thursdays or Fridays, I am guessing anywhere from 3/19-4/1.

I received the Hammond Scholarship and was notified about it about three weeks ago.

I’m so nervous for ED2!! I hope I get in??

Lifetime shows the cumulative awards that you received.

Does anyone else on their canelink under the financials tab have a cost of attendance tab at the bottom?

I was accepted EA but nothing about financial aid came initially with the online acceptance letter. Then when the packet came in the mail it had a letter that offered me two massive scholarships. Basically everyone should look out for that packet because my portal never said anything about my scholarships. So excited and surprised that Miami was so generous, go canes!