University of Miami Class of 2024

You already received ED acceptance??
My daughter is EA with weighted 4.35gpa, 31 ACT, 8 AP, 3 sport letters, only 125 hours CS, but officer in several clubs, including NHS and Hispanic NHS.

She is concerned she won’t get in because we couldn’t do ED without knowing the “real” financial picture with scholarships.

Your thoughts?

@Back2BackMom THANK YOU for the update regarding the housing increase!! I recently read a study done regarding the entry year costs versus the continuing year costs done with top 100 schools. Across the board, but especially the Ivies and privates, the first year costs and scholarships awarded to not keep up with subsequent years. In some areas, especially the Ivies, the difference year over year without increasing scholarships/merit awards increasing as well, the cost differences were forcing kids out of their dream schools.

It sounds like the mortgage programs of the 2000’s where the first year payment/interest rate was really low to get people into homes they really couldn’t afford, only to have them face that excruciating reality when the loans recast and doubled, tripled, and quadrupled their monthly housing payments.

A $10,000 swing, on housing alone, is nearly a thousand dollars per month more than first year. YIKES! I suspect I will likely just choose to live in a tent while my three kids are in college beginning next year to save money. LOL.

@Paradise4Me your daughter will get in easily

So I called and they said tomorrow we will receive financial aid letters. Even though they initially said today when I called on Friday, so who knows at this point.

When is EA coming out? Son needs money. 34 superscore(33) 4.0 unweighted out of 4.5 lots of EC and honor societies did summer scholars. Lots of his friends from the summer program with a little lower numbers got in ED, getting a little worried.

@BMSagain EA is very end of January

I applied EA but I am considering changing my application to ED2 for a better shot at getting in (this year seems much tougher than previous years!); the only thing preventing me from doing so is the financial aid- does anyone know if the school is generous with aid? Based on the average financial aid package/net price calculator, I’m not sure if I would be able to afford it, but I don’t want $ to hold me back from going to my dream school because I would have to pay off debt and loans either way. Should I apply ED2 for a better chance of getting in?
I have a 3.9 W 3.4 UW, 1240 GPA (I know it’s low ugh), 6 AP classes + other honors, 3 national honor societies, 5 awards (3 national), hundreds of hours of community service locally & abroad, 2 jobs for over a year, 5 clubs (with leadership), and more ECs. My stats aren’t that good compared to other people in this thread, but I attend a very rigorous high school and did not prepare for the SAT. I have a very strong essay which hopefully helps make up for it. I am also Latino and first generation if that helps.

[quote=“Paradise4Me, post:162, topic:2069835”]

@Back2BackMom THANK YOU for the update regarding the housing increase!! I recently read a study done regarding the entry year costs versus the continuing year costs done with top 100 schools. Across the board, but especially the Ivies and privates, the first year costs and scholarships awarded to not keep up with subsequent years. In some areas, especially the Ivies, the difference year over year without increasing scholarships/merit awards increasing as well, the cost differences were forcing kids out of their dream schools.

@Paradise4Me This is certainly a problem at schools like the U, where most aid is in the form of merit scholarships. That number does not increase year after year, but the tuition/housing goes up. Conversely, if you are on financial aid at any Ivy (where they do not have merit scholarships), your aid increases at the same rate as tuition/housing. We have paid the same out of pocket each year at Cornell; as tuition went up, so did our financial aid.

Here’s the link to the housing rates at Miami – pricey! But having a kid who lived in Stanford – I can say the new housing is much nicer.

Whew, that is pricey! Suite style with private room (which is what D20 really wants) is 16.5K+ for room only. Looks like meals are another 5-6K per year. I better start soakin’ them pinto beans.

Do you guys know when the financial aid will release ?

it came in a letter

You got a letter through Canelink? My portal still says “You have no award data”

Same here. Maybe they sent out acceptance packages with it?

a physical letter in the mail i meant

When did it arrive/what state are you in?

You can’t change EA to ED2.

Guys go to view financial aid on Canelink and check if youve received the aid. It says for me to see 2021 aid but when i press the link it gives an error. Dont know what that means but could you guys check and let me know

same here

Do you think we’ll get any aid?