University of Miami EA Class of 2025

I didn’t create the name haha

Wait but aren’t they coming out by the end of this week? Is that official?

some of my friends received their decisions a few days ago but I have not

what how

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I have no idea they texted me asking if I got in and i asked if we were talking about the same UMiami and they confirmed they got decisions for their EA applications for UMiami all were accepted

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my guess is as good as yours

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Were they scholarship finalists?

dont think so

Did anyone here get a decision? I’m a scholarship finalist and I haven’t heard. I feel like people are probably lying

A few friends showed me their portals that had the decision updates that came out I think last Friday for them. Im confused on how they got them because I haven’t heard anything. I emailed my admissions rep asking and will lyk when I hear back from her

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That’s exactly why i called, a lot of the stuff said here doesn’t correlate with what admissions has been telling us


Miami University in Ohio came out last friday lmao


they showed me the University of Miami one from Florida portals which is what confused me because I thought the same thing

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Maybe they showed you the status update for the scholarship?

We have not heard anything. My son was not selected for a premier scholarship.

Okay just as @emsdekk said, some of my friends (in Florida) also got their results already. So I’m thinking maybe people in state got theirs. I was told by an admissions officer we would get our results by the latest this week but now from what I’ve been seeing on here, I’m really confused.

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We are in Florida and my daughter hasn’t heard yet. She was selected for scholarship.

Im from Florida and I havent heard back yet either. Fingers crossed for Friday, but it seems like admissions is giving us all different responses

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@Silvyfl @Ahernan that’s so weird, I just wish they wouldn’t confuse us with so many different answers.


I think they’ll probably release Friday. Would be surprised if they didn’t. Never seen them release any other day. Hopefully Friday is a good day for all.