University of Miami EA Class of 2025

Yes she said "We release Early Action decisions at the end of the month. So next week. "

There will probably be a lot of deferrals just like UofSC but they actually sent a notice stating to expect the deferrals due to record TO applicants

that makes me so angry because a week ago they said they’ll release it this week. I get that there are so many applicants this year but I just wish they wouldn’t have given us false hope :frowning_face:


agreed, i was deferred from my dream school and deferrals just hurt so bad. having to wait another who knows how many months is so painful and stressful. i’ve already received 2 deferrals, and i think i will actually cry if umiami makes it 3 lol

I just got off the phone with them 
they are not going to release until late January, hopefully the 29th, or early February as disclosed on all SM. We all want them to be released sooner, but it’s just not going to happen.
Good luck to everyone! Now go out and do something fun and stop thinking about this EA notification that’s it’s making us all crazy!

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Just got off the phone as well. Said late January. At least she also confirmed that scholarship results will be coming with admissions decisions and not afterwards.

Just got an email from my admissions counselor, he also said they’re aiming to release decisions by the end of January.

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omg right! Tulane and CWRU deferred so many of the EA applicants!

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bruhhhh now I have to be bored for another week

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Fr fr I was luckyyyy to not get deferred from CWRU

lmao same- only thing keeping me sane

so is it confirmed that decisions r not coming out today? the waiting is actually killing me

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Yes it’s confirmed at least that’s what they said in the call

they also confirmed that ed decisions were not coming out the day they came out so there’s still a chance


Very very true I’m currently taking a chem testđŸ„° and I’m praying everything works out with admissions

This lack of any communication on a specific release date from UMiami doesn’t make me feel as good about this choice, even if my D is ultimately admitted. So many other good schools (that cost a LOT less), are much more transparent. When my S was choosing schools a few years ago, one of the big factors for us was how often and how clearly the school communicated admissions and scholarship info, because we felt it would be an indicator of how the school values students and their parents (who generally pay the bills).


@kdzmom You are so right. Especially in the age of COVID where campus visits are either non existent or kids visit empty campuses, they will have to look for other signs of a good fit. Clear communication is key.


and why does it even have to be a specific date? i don’t understand why they don’t get a decision back to people as soon we they can.

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Perfectly said. It’s unprofessional in my opinion for the admissions office to give 100 different answers to 100 different people. I saw someone say that the day ED was released, someone called early that day and asked for a date, and they said “definitely not today” - only for it to come out later that day.

It gets to a point where you realize they’re not trying to “keep it a surprise” or protect themselves in case it doesn’t come out - I honestly feel like no one even knows anything, that or they aren’t communicating amongst themselves either.


because of my transferring, UM AO doesn’t understand my transcripts and think they r incomplete. Me and my school counselor sent them like 4 or 5 emails and they finally got it, they r extremely Inefficient

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