University of Miami EA Class of 2025

As a student, I don’t want to know ahead of time because I would not be able to stop thinking about the date. I got deferred from BC ED and they told me the release date 3 weeks in advance which made the wait excruciating and the deferral really painful.

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Ok ma’am, I have two questions. Why are you acting like the world is about to end? First of all, you do not work for their admissions department so stop shoving your complains down their throats because they could care less. Plus stop assuming, you have no clue what’s going on there and they probably don’t care if one applicant doesn’t want to attend. Second, why doesn’t your son figure out his own stuff for his college? He is about to graduate and you are still spoon feeding him. Congratulations Ma’am, this is called being a helicopter parent.


what time of day did ED decisions come out?

I believe around 2

@idunno11 There is really no need to be rude. Everyone is feeling stressed enough already.


Some people said it may come out at three EST, anyone hear anything?

nothing … sigh

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well, on the bright side we know that it has to come next Friday now. because I doubt they would release it on a weekend, and they said decisions would be out by January 31, I think.


they could also release in february tho :frowning:

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How do we know it comes out at 3?? Didn’t ED come at 2? Is it possible for it to come today at a later time?

They were rude to begin with so I don’t know what you are talking about. Complaining about an admissions office won’t make the decisions come quicker if you haven’t realized by now…

How do we know decisions come at 3?

its 3. nothing has come out. It won’t come out today, most likely.

How do you know it’s 3 though?

thats the time decisions were released in previous years

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it might also come out later today most decisions so far (at least for me) came out at 5pm EST

noooo don’t put that evil on me

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no one’s expecting decisions to come quicker by complaining. its just a fact that if communication is poor in one area, it will likely be just the same in other areas, not just for prospective students but current students as well. many people who’ve called have been told different things about decision dates, and it’s not at all rude to acknowledge the possibilities of why communication is so poor.


Are they going alphabetically?

no i think they just release all at once