University of Miami EA Class of 2025


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Canā€™t get too upset about delays - these people are overwhelmed. What will irk me is if my kid gets a deferral. Give him a yes or a no and let him move on. He applied EA in good faith, got everything in on time - now do your job and give a real answer - even if itā€™s a rejection.

Iā€™m expecting lots and lots of deferrals.


Iā€™m lowkey still thinking today based on their Twitter and insta post where they said they are welcoming new students that could obviously mean spring people but :man_shrugging:


Wa this what you are referring to:

Next week, our campus will welcome continuing students and our newest 'Canes! :package: All non-local, first-year students are required to live in University housing. Check out the residential communities our students call home on

I do not think that necessarily means EA, but fingers crossed it does!

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No it doesnā€™t affect Miami, I just said it to show that Universities are running behind this year, even the Ivyā€™s.

Yes it was that I donā€™t think it meant it buttttt it couldā€™ve been a clue

Also!!! Last year on that Monday the week before admissions they also posted something!

I really hope it was!

Agreed. As a student Iā€™m anxious enough as it is. Deferral means more waiting - I just want to move on. Iā€™d rather get a rejection than deferral tbh


So do we think theyā€™re coming today? Iā€™d love to just know so I can move on with my life lol

No one knows for sure. Weā€™ll find out at 3est most likely if itā€™s today. If not, next friday (hopefully)


It is not today just got off the phone however you will get an email when the portal is updated.


I emailed my admissions counselor and she said next friday

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Like for sure

u just joined 12 mins ago, looks like spam


I really called and asked ā€œso if decisions are released today or any day would they send an email saying there is an updateā€ and she said ā€œwell decisions arenā€™t going to be released today I can tell you that, but they do send an update to the portalā€

Amen. I agree wholeheartedly

I swear if they defer a bunch of people


iā€™ve been watching, but i wanted to create an account to tell yall. My counselor is anderson if thats any consolation.

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