University of Miami EA Class of 2025

My older son is a student at UMiami - this message is not about current applicants. University of Miami’s undergraduate admission page states that EA decisions are Late January/Early February. My high school senior is anxious to hear a decision too I’m not expecting one until at least next Friday


My older son is a junior at UMiami and absolutely loves the school, faculty, and area. He’s having an amazing experience (great internship last summer and an amazing one in investment banking this summer in NYC). As parents we’ve been thrilled with the administration, especially how they’ve handled COVID19, and their ability to adapt. We’re anxious to hear my high school senior’s EA decision, but UM’s undergraduate admission page clearly states that the decision is late January/early February so I don’t agree there’s been a lack of communication.


The date on UMiami’s admission site has not changed. It has always been late January/Early February for EA applicants .

but it also says late december for ED1 applicants and that decision came out the 11th, so EA applicants i’m sure we’re just hoping the decision could be out today.

As a mom who has gone through the application process SIX times, with two students currently at the U, the admissions office will NEVER EVER tell you when they’re releasing decisions. You could call five minutes before they’re going to be posted, and they still won’t tell you, so please, stop saying “they said next week”, or “soon”. I know it’s nerve racking to wait, but that’s what we have to do. I absolutely wish UM gave an exact date, but they don’t for whatever reason. I will also say, their decision to not give an exact date, doesn’t correlate to communication with students once they’re enrolled. We’ve had nothing but positive interaction, and they absolutely try and help with whatever issues arise. Stay positive, keep busy, you’ve got this!!!


I was hoping for today, too! Our youngest is waiting to hear… yes, decisions sometime come out earlier, which is never a bad thing, haha. My point is, everyone gets worked up when someone says they called admissions, “and they said…”, and I just want everyone to know that they’ll never tell us when, it’s just how they (and many other schools) operate.

It’s already 5, too late for the school to release decisions.
Probably next Friday

Sorry if I offended anyone; I certainly didn’t intend that. “Late January to Early February”, to me, means any time between Jan 20 and Feb 10, which feels like a really long window, especially in contrast to other schools that make the admissions decision process very transparent. D hasn’t been able to visit many schools because Covid, and hopes to visit her top 2-3 options once she knows where she is in. After getting all her apps in back in Sept-Oct, she is just ready to get on with it.


Just want to pipe in as a mom to a junior at UMiami and a high school senior who applied EA. In fairness, the notification “date” of late Jan/early Feb has been on UMiami’s admissions page from day 1 . While I agree that some schools’ admissions departments (not all!) communicate more frequently, I do want to let you know that UMiami’s communication is outstanding and there is absolutely no question that they value their students and families. We’ve been so impressed how the school has addressed COVID19 and feel fortunate to have President Frenk (read his bio) at the helm. Communication is wonderful - Pat Whitley, whose daughter is a freshman, sends family connection newsletters and the administration hosts virtual town halls (there’s one this coming Monday). The school listens to parents’/students’ concerns and is quick to make changes/adapt (ex: the school changed the grading the semester COVID hit after hearing concerns). President Frenk is approachable - you’ll find him on campus and at football games (ok not w/COVID) and he takes lots of photos with students. My son’s professors are accessible and caring - additional workshops and such to help kids navigate internships/work during COVID. My son has had an amazing experience and many wonderful opportunities. Last summer he had a great summer internship and this summer an amazing investment banking one. He’s involved in a lot clubs and has leadership positions but makes the most of being there - there’s a ton to do! As a family, we appreciate the diversity in the area (we are from NE), the weather, football games, and outdoor dining. Sorry for the long message. I never thought I’d be proud of the school my kid goes to, but I am. Hope your family finds the right fit in a school


I’m a little annoyed with the whole Early Action thing. When my older D applied a few years ago, she heard from almost all her Early Action schools by December. That made sense to me. This waiting until late January/early February doesn’t seem very early to me. Luckily my D has been accepted to three schools (two rolling and one EA) so she’s not as stressed but she still wants to hear!


@WillowPeony thank you! Your perspective on UMiami is very reassuring.


Has anyone heard anything specific about an increase in applications at the University of Miami? Have they increased for EA? By how much? The increase in numbers being reported at some other schools are scary.


CEO of CommonApp said that applications increased 20% in average


My D is a junior at UM and I completely agree with Willowpeony. They do a fabulous job communicating and taking care of our kids. Also, I consistently read on the UM parents FB page that UM has handled the COVID situation considerably better than their other kids’ schools.


@ WillowPeony
I totally agree with you and have posted the same message. UM’s undergraduate admission page has not changed their stated notification date - it’s clear as day.
I have spoken with admissions a couple of times over the last week and they were extremely polite, resourceful, and very professional. And in both instances confirmed the stated EA date late January/early February!

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I spoke with the admissions office yesterday and they said that we will get a decision by the end of next week and it could be any day, so I am hopeful!


I feel like we hear that every week with this school! Uggg


You think this is bad? Try UMass lol. It’s been like more than 45 days since they said they started releasing their decisions in “waves” and I still haven’t heard back from them lol


Since we probably have another week till decisions join the gc on snap if you like it’s a poppin time @robert18no420


My D applied early action. Back in December there was a document requested in IDOC, dependent verification statement. Miami is listed as a university requesting documents. I know not everyone is selected to submit this form, but wondering if others have been selected and if this seems to be promising for acceptance?